Chapter 32

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One month four days, two of the three men in my life are fighting. Mainly because they don't know each other, but details.

On a side note they probably still wouldn't like each other if they did know each other, they're both to close to me.

The person I trust most is mad at me because I didn't tell him something so important. My life is just getting better and better.

Sarcasm duly noted.


After a while I decided that it was time for bed. Everyone would be there in the morning, meaning I would have to be there in the morning.


I really don't want to see the how pissed my dad will be in the morning. Saying as how I did betray him in a way. Not that he could blame me per say, I only wanted him to not freak out that it's only been a month and I'm already going to be struggling.

What I need is a reality check. Lists help in situations as such.

One, I have a mate. I'm half werewolf with no wolf and I have a mate. Fun.

Two, moved to a new town again and I've already had issues. Things like people finding out I'm half werewolf, or that I'm related to my father.

Nowhere near related to my normal problems.

Three, my father is mad at me.

Four, there is a mass the size of twelve house worth of rouge in the town. That might be an over exaggerated a little, or a lot.

Five, my normal problems have caught up with me in a months time. Fabulous.

Six. I don't really have anything for six but that's probably a good thing.

I mean, only three really big issues I have to deal with. Emphasis on the really.

First things first. Even though it's number five on my list of problems, it's the most important, last but CERTAINLY not least.

Okay, first things first. Deal with the easy things, like mates and people knowing who I am. See easy, all I need to do is get over that fact. Yeah like that will be easy.

Just kidding, that actually will be very easy.

On to my harder problems.

My father is mad at me. I don't want that, he is the one person who I trust the most and I broke that trust when I woke up screaming yesterday, and lied all about it.

Next, the mass of rogues somewhere within the surrounding pack territory and even in pack terriory. I mean two of them did try to kill me, that does state the fact that at least a few are in the territory. The word territory is officially getting on my nerves.

Then there's the worse of them all. Something that I've had to deal with for 8 years now. The man consuming my dreams, my sleep and even my sanity. Probably something else too, but those three seem enough for now.

Sleep would be pointless for me. The first few weeks are the worst it seems. Normally I would have already gotten mostly used to sleeping every night. Or at least most nights.

Here in this town I've been sleeping decently and sleeping at least every night. Even with the occasional nightmare about the past, ones that'll wake me up, but at least I would fall right back to sleep.

Reality list gone through and checked at least twice, I decide on trying my best at sleep.

Before walking upstairs I listen for my father, hoping he would still be in the house. Even if he is mad at me. I don't hear him within the house, that might be a bad thing. I look around a little to find him nowhere in sight.

I walk to the kitchen and write him a note saying I would be upstairs and telling him goodnight.

Even though my father might be mad at me I still love him. He's still the one person I needed the most. I don't know what I would do without him here, helping me through these god forsaken nightmares.

Right now they don't seem like much, but they can get really bad. Somehow I live through every single one of them. Barely.

*** Later that night***

It was 11pm and my eye lids were druping. I was finding it hard to stay awake, I did stay up for all of the early morning the day before, even if I did take a cat nap. Soon enough I had given up, allowing my eye lids to shut. I didn't have the strength to open them up again.

Once that happened I started falling.

I mean like legit falling. Off a building it seemed. Before I could hit the ground everything went on pause. The sound of footsteps echoed around me, telling me I wasn't alone in the dream I knew I was having. This wasn't good.

"Audrey," a voice said. It sounded far away, going through a tunnel of some sort. "Audrey." Of course I knew who's voice it was.


Stuck in midair at least 8 feet in the air, the drop for here wouldn't be fatal sure, but it would still hurt like hell. Unsure of why I'm stuck here I try to flail around, it only causes me to go higher.

I freeze instantly, now being a good 15 feet in the air will do that to a person. I still wasn't sure why I was in midair, a body starts moving within the surrounding pause.

A man with a face I couldn't make out walked over to where I was floating and looked up. Even though there wasn't much to the man, I could still tell who it was.

I've never seen his face, but the way he was standing made it mostly obvious on who it was. Plus you know, his voice. His hands were in his pockets and he was leaning back looking up at me.

"What do you want with me? Why do you keep me like this?" I ask, I didn't want to go any higher, actually I wanted to just be let down in a soft gradual manner. Someway were I wouldn't die a horrible death.

"Right now, nothing in particular. But maybe someday I'll tell you." He says with a smirk. I might not have been able to see most of his features, but this smirk is one I knew well. It meant he had something evil planned.

It was almost always my death.

A second after he said that my body shot upward. It felt like someone had punched me in the gut and now I was flying.

But what goes up must come down.


Tada! Chapter fished and it's friday!!

Anyways, hope everyone likes this chapter and hopefully I can get the next one out soon. Thanks for reading!!


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