Chapter 34

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One month, five days, reality check lists, nightmares from hell, the not so usual as of late. But as of my life? Normal. A very very scary normal.


After killing my lungs and once my legs ache I turn back to head home, hoping with everything I am, that the thoughts of the latest nightmare stay away.

I know it wasn't much, but it felt real. They always feel real.

When I got home I stood in the shower a lot longer then necessary, getting the sweat and dread off me in one go. I finally get out when the water turned cold and wrapped a towel around myself. I looked in the mirror. I didn't know the girl in the mirror.

No I knew her too well. In fact she was probably the girl I've been most of my life, just the fact that I was having a semi good life with friends and a mate made me forget her. Just for a month.

Which was just sad. One nightmare and I was reduced to this girl again. Someone I hated, only caused by someone I hated more. Someone I couldn't find, or figure out for that matter.

I close my eyes tight, trying not to let my thoughts get the best of me. That was the worst thing I could do right now. Let the thoughts consum me.

I grab some make-up from the bag on my counter. The werewolfs, my friends, they would notice the added layer of make-up on my face. The extra coat that I slathered on just to make myself look normal.

Once I finish with that I head to my closet for clothes. Something comfortable. So jeans and a random t-shirt, which were my go to, now changed to pj pant bottoms and a random t-shirt. See comfy.

My hair was thrown up into a messy bun, and my shoes were some sandles. It was still hot out side. Unnaturally so. Well then again this is Florida.

Anyhow, going down stairs and grabbing breakfast was one of the only things on my mind. My stomach was growling at the thought. I grab a pop tart from the cupboard and throw it in the microwave. (Yeah okay I know, microwave? Really? Not the toaster? No I like my pop tarts in the microwave.)

The gooy goodness of the chocolate pop tart was eaten quickly, then I ran upstairs to grab my keys and phone, as well as my bag and homework. Which was left on my desk. After triple checking that I had everything, I take my car from the garage and head to school.

"Hey guys!" I say walking up to the group. "What was up yesterday? No one was here?" I laugh, I never got the details, or anything about what happened yesterday. I mean there was a fight between my best friend and my mate, my father was mad at me. Didn't really have time to ask what went on yesterday.

"Okay so see what had happened was-" this will be good, that phrase never ends well. "I swear it wasn't my fault," Kinsley startes

"This time." Myranda finished for her, with a sarcastic voice.

"Phhsss, yeah okay you're right, but whatever. Someone shifted and a human saw it happen. Course we wiped there memory, but still it was about the safety and how the rogues are increasing in numbers and yeah." She finished off in a rammble.

"Really, nothing that bad? Why wasn't everyone else not here, you only really need a few people." I say, still confused as to why so many wolves were out.

"Dude, rogues. Numbers have increased. I don't think you're listening to me." She crosses her arms in fake hurt. Pout and everything.

"Oh. Right." I say putting my head down in fake shame, smirking all the while.

After laughing about nothing for a few minutes a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head rests on top of my head. The sparks made me know exactly who it was. I was happy that he wasn't mad at me.

"You know, you should be holding me up not the other way around." I say when his body becomes heavy on mine.

"Says who?" Kohen questions.

"Says me, the girl who will drop kick you if you don't get off me." Finally I'm able to shrug him off, his arms never unwrapping themselves from around my waist.

"Brat." He whispered.
"Did you just call me a brat?" He does realize that I can hear him right? He was right behind me for God sakes. Well goddess sakes. Ha.

Never mind.

"Nooo." He said knowing he was going to be semi scolded at. Jokingly of course.

Jokingly my ass. It's far to early in the morning to think of good jokes.............

Anywho, that's how my morning went. Terrible jokes then the bell rang signaling that we probably should be in class, saying as how it was the late bell and not the get to class within 5 minutes bell.

Which by the way is definitely not enough time to get to class and everyone knows that.

Morning finished with and closing in on lunch I was fairly sure how my day was going to turn out.

One month, five days. Nightmares not forgotten but in storage for the moment, my morning routine a mess, but then again so was I. The hope of a long day was present.

But of course we never get what we wish for.

At least when it comes to time.


Soooooo, I put this together really fast and didn't really take the time to go over everything so there are definitely many mistakes but I still hope everyone likes it. I promise this chapter will be edited big time.

Anywho, a person quit at my job and we had to scramble to get people to cover his shift, that was terrific. Sarcasm. But still I've had a he'll of a week.

I live in Florida, okay, and I hate everyone on the road because no one knows how to drive. 6 car accidents, 2 of which I know for a fact were fatal, all happened in my vicinity alone.

I don't really keep track of everywhere else...

But they are all in this week, starting Sunday aka mother's day.

Anyway..... again hope you guys like it, and everyone be safe on the roads.. it's dangerous out there in the wild.


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