Chapter 10.

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Recap: I did the rest of my bathroom duties before putting my now wet hair in a bun and going to bed.

It had been a long day, and tomorrow was just going to be longer.

Four days, mind in chaos, and sleep needed.


Five day, mind still in chaos, and sleep forgotten, I knew already that today was going to be a bad day.

Maybe worse then yesterday. I had another bad dream. Not nearly as bad as they could get, but enough to wake me in a cold sweat.

Getting out of bed at 4 in the morning, I took a brush to my wavy hair, put some defrizz oil stuff in my hair, which I already knew wouldn't work, and got my running clothes on.

This time I wasn't going to run in the woods, knowing how that ended last time with me against a tree with a wolfs head in my lap. Cause that wasn't awkward at all.

With my shoes tied, ear buds in, key in my hand, I was ready to go. I think.

I took a step out into the morning and the chilly air was nipping at my skin causing goose bumps, but it was helping me relax from the nightmare, it wasn't something scary.


I was walking through the woods. I was only able to register that it was cold because I could see my breath in the moon light.

The only light came from the moon that was barely there, slowly making its way through the thickness of the trees. I couldn't see a way out. There might not have been a way out.

I started walking hoping I would come to some sort of opening, a clearing, or town.

After what felt like hours but was probably only minutes I decided that maybe I wasn't meant to find a way out of this forest. I found a damp log that had fallen over,

I sit down not worrying about anything, I knew the dream would run it's course and I would wake evntually.

I didn't want to be in the woods, I knew what could be out here. The noises were getting louder. Crickets chirping, wind blowing making the trees around me rustle with every gust. Something big was lurking.

The shadows were to thick for even my heightened senses to pick up. Maybe if I was full wolf I could see it, but I wasn't.

A branch broke behind me. I slowly lowered myself from the fallen tree onto the ground below me. I made myself as small as possible, molding into a ball, arms around my legs head bunkered down, on my side.

Then another branch snapped in half, closer this time. My breathing stopped and I slammed my eyes shut tight. Then I waited for then inevitable happen.

I felt a form loom over me, I could tell even with my eyes closed that it was human.

"Princess... Princess."

My eyes flew open and I saw nothing. It was just black. Then I heard laughter in the distance. One that I've come to recognize after so many years.

Then finally, I woke up.


I ran until the sun lightened up the sky. I was already close to the house, no wolf in sight. The morning was already looking up. I didn't have anything to worry about until I got to school. And even then, I wouldn't have to worry about much.

Just a wolf/boy to deal with, a locker and a group of new classes I have to find. That's pretty much it.

Once home with the door locked I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I was paranoid that he would find me. I always was. Knowing that my dad was already gone I didn't try to not make any noise.

What was the point? So I threw my key into the bowl on the table, and ran up the stairs. Sure maybe it didn't seem that loud, but werewolf hearing....

When I got to my room I looked for the clothes I wanted to wear. After picking something out, which was kinda easy because it was just a pair of jeans shorts and a cute t-shirt. I'm not picky with clothes.

I jumped into the shower, the hot water relaxing my tense muscles and on fire nerves. After a little bit, and after cleaning myself of sweat, I got out did my business and got dressed. I lay down on my bed arms sprayed out, looking like a starfish, just thinking.

I sit up and looked towards the clock. It read 6:47. Classes started at 7:30. I had a whole 30 minutes to do nothing.

Then I remembered something. When the dreams didn't get so bad all I wanted to do was forget I would write about them. I looked through some of the boxes that I still haven't unpacked for the notebook I used in the last town we were in.

I write down all I remembered from the night before and finished it with the date.

I know that you're supposed to start a journal entry with the date first, but when I started doing this I would wake-up and write down what I remember then fall back to sleep like nothing happened.

Then when I woke up I would write the date.

I needed to pick this back up. I placed the journal onto the nightstand right next to the water bottle I always had.

I heard a grumble. I look down at my stomach. It started its whale call.

'Glad this didn't start happening at school.' I think to myself.

I walk down stairs into the kitchen heading straight for the fridge. I pull things out to make a smoothie. Smoothies or a cup of coffee were the only things I could drink for food in the mornings. Anything solid would give me an upset stomach.

I grab the blender from the cabinet, rinsed it out and begun. I put chopped up strawberries, some raspberries, blueberries, and a banana. I also added some protein powder to the shake.

Time came and went, it was finally 7:15 and I could leave for school. Hopping into my car I drove off to the school that was but a 15 minute walking distance at most.

But on the negative side.

I still have to find my new locker, new classes, deal with the wolf/boy and probably more.

So the first day all over again. Wonderful.

Five days still. A couple books added to my never ending reading list and with school about to start, I should probably go.

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