Chapter 42

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5 months, 3 weeks, and now I was leaving for what would probably be forever. A man who wanted me, but killed me every time I entered my subconscious, who knows what the future had in store for me.

Leaving was the hardest thing I would ever do. Leaving my father, and my mate. Not knowing if I would ever see them again. I told my dad that I was leaving, I didn't mean to but it happened.

Kohen on the other hand, he was left a note. How was I supposed to tell the person you were meant to be with that you're leaving them forever? You can't. It was literally a note that was next to impossible to make.


He's going to hate me after he reads the note, that's the only thought that goes through my mind as I run away to the person that constantly wants me dead.

Why was I doing this again? Because the safety of others was more important then the safety of my own. My father saw this when he was letting me go.

By now I was in north Alabama, going by foot which was harder then one would think, wasn't something I wanted to do. I was not going to bring my car. That's my baby. I've been sleeping most of the time, which in it's own is strange, with something stranger. As soon as I left my family, the nightmares stopped. I still have dreams where the man is there, but he hasn't killed me once. I guess he's waiting for the right time to strike. Or just watching me on my search to kill him myself. Who knows, his mind is a fucked up place.

The woods were my domain. I hunted for food as well as going into the nearby towns as I passed.

Eventually I made it into Tennessee. I didn't actually know where I was going but it felt like the right direction. It's been a few months, I mean walking, or running, was going to take a lot longer then one would assume.

This is one of those I was sleeping most of the time moments....


I'm not entirely sure where we were. It looked more like a battlefield than anything else. I and everyone else saw the rundown looking shack several yards away. The occasional plane, or more like drone in my book, we're flying over head. I wasn't too sure about them.

I went with purpose to the shack. I wasn't running jogging or walking fast. I had my head held high walking at an average pace, somehow I knew that's the way and speed I needed to go. Occasionally something would fall to the ground from the sky. It wasn't like I could turn back to see what it was.

Well I could, but that would mean stopping, and somehow even if I kept moving it would mean that I was looking back and that I was scared. Sure I mean I was scared terrified even but I couldn't show it not to HIM at least.

We finally reach the rundown shack and stepped inside. So much for run down, the interior of the building look like something you would see on a ship, may it be a boat kind of ship, or a space ship like from some geeky show/movie like Star Wars, Enterprise, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Atlantis.

The group ooooww and aahh, about the surroundings. Something didn't feel right, and I don't just mean the fact that there's a Battleground right outside those doors. Something was coming for us it was a bad something.

Of course it was a bad something. Hello we were in the middle of nowhere and what looks to be a battle going on. In one of those rooms that look like they do battle strategies, or in a pilot area or something, so yes it was a bad something.

Then there was static. It came from everywhere around the room. Next thing you know something that looks like the nail thing to clean out under your nails, spoon pusher I think.

Whatever not the point. The thing flies through the ceiling on to the ground like some kind of arrow, a strong arrow.

The group, even I, jumped a little at its suddenness. It was loud and stuck to the floor. But as soon as we took a step towards it another one came crashing down. No one moved. Then a moment later another one came through, then more and more until eventually they were like machine-gun bullets coming faster and faster.

The table I was standing next to was being destroyed by them, they were coming faster and faster towards me but I just stood there. I somehow knew they wouldn't actually hit me.

Kohen, Kinsley, Enzo and the others looked terrified.

"Fuck this." And before I could even over-think what I was doing, I walk back to the door we came in through, not before grabbing a smaller version of the huge spoon pusher things, walked outside and saw something that hadn't been there before.

A hover-ship thing, the aircraft carrier things. I'm really bad at describing things.

Anyways it was over the shack. It had stairs going from the ground up to the ship. I was pissed I didn't know what I was doing.

I ran up the stairs to the platform, about halfway up, the door to the shack gets slammed open and everyone piles out.

I turn around and give them "the look". Kohen was up the first few steps by then.  He looked up to me sees the look I was giving him and stopped.

"I have to do this by myself whether you like it or not." I tell him. He gives me a slight nod, then I turned around and walked into enemy hands.

What I saw next I wasn't really sure about. I saw HIM and several other people on the deck a few yards away from the top of the stairs. When he heard me reach the top he turned to me and smiled,

"So nice of you to finally join us."

Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن