Chapter 28

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Four weeks, two days finally over, the date with Kohen went just about perfectly, and an ache in my heart for missing my home so much. One day, hopefully soon, things will change and I don't have to be away from my castle ever again.


Sunday was, well a sunday. That last day of the weekend where you just don't want to do anything. The lazy day of the week.

Other then getting up for some food and doing a little bit of homework it was an uneventful day. Kohen and Kinsley came over to bother me, but they were being lazy too, so we were all watching TV in the living room while my father was doing something with the packs current alpha. K&Ks father.

Anyways, I was sitting on the couch with me laying down with my legs across Kohen's lap, head on a pillow reading a book. He was sitting upright just watching whatever was playing on the screen, and Kinsley was lounging on the chair with a book in her hand also.

See, a completely lazy day. Nothing going on no rouges sighted in a few days. Nothing on anyone's radar saying something bad was happening.

I don't know if I jinxed it or what but a little while after when my book was finished and I was just getting up for something to drink, Kohen shot up from the couch.

"I have to go." He said with his eyes glazed over. "Rouges were spotted and attacked a human." He came over to me and kissed me on top of my head, and did the same with Kinsley.

"Eww," She exclaimed and wiped away the kiss as if it were slobbery a gross. He didn't even smile about it. He just walked out with a stoic expression on his face.

"Uh-oh. This must be bad."

"I was thinking the same thing, he didn't even laugh when I did that. No one told me anything." Kinsley looked down to the book in her hand, closed it and placed it on the table behind her.

"I wonder what's happening. It can't just be about a rouge attacking a human. Why are they attacking humans anyways? Don't all werewolfs even rouges stay away from attacking a human?" I ask, maybe it was an important question, maybe it wasn't. At the moment I didn't really know the answer.

"Welp, I guess we have to lock down this house. Father's commands. Both of our fathers. Just saying." Kins tells me. They must have mind-linked her.

"I'm not surprised. Alright let's get to it."

We lock all the doors and the windows are closed, locked and curtain closed. Behind the curtain we have silver bars to put in the window. I got the rubber gloves and started making my way through the house with Kinsley in tow helping me lock this place down like the fortress it isnt. My real home, now that's a fortress. For physical things at least. Mental issues, not so much. Then again it is a castle. One people can't find even if they know where to look.

It may or may not be invisible. You never know.

It's invisible, but we don't need people knowing that.

Anywho, even though it's invisible, it's still covered in trees and shubery. The gardens are covered in flowering bushes. I'm allergic to pollen. (A/N honestly though, who isn't allergic to pollen???) Some days I would sneeze so much that playing out side was a no go. I would get a headache and my nose would start bleeding because I would sneeze so much.

The more I start thinking about the castle, my home, the more depressed I get. Kinsley must realize this.

"Hey Audrey, what's wrong? I doubt rouges can get in here. I mean everything is boarded up pretty good." She says a minute or two after we board everything up.

"Yeah, but just thinking about this is making me miss my home. It was fortified against stuff like this, nothing could get in. Or out for that matter either. But who would want to get out? It's amazing. Beautiful. Pretty near perfect." I pause for a second, there was a smile on my face and I probably had a far away look going on. "It was my perfect, it was home."

"You lived in the castle right?" Kinsley asked, but I wasn't listening to her. I was off, playing tag in the gardens with the other kids that lived there. With my father when he was able to. Playing hide and go seek throughout the castle in trap doors and secret passageways.

It's been a couple years since I've been there. A little over 2 years since I've seen my home. We were supposed to stop at the castle when we were in Texas, that's where the castle is located.

We didn't have the time to head there for some r&r and soak in the feelings of comfort, safety. Home.

Because just as soon as we were to take our leave the rouge problem here escalated. Something they could probably still handle, but not only that, Kohen was to step up and become alpha.

"Audrey! Snap out of it. You've been in lala land for 20 minutes now." Kinsley yelled out, finally breaking whatever spell was holding me captive in the past. The safety of my home. "Rouges are all gone, we can unlock up your house now."

We do just that. It took us 10 minutes to pull the silver bars back. Unlock everything that needs to be unlocked.

Later that day my father came home and Kinsley left, her mother summoned her home. I made chicken qusadillas and salsa for dinner.

My father and I sat at the table just talking about the day. What happened with the rouges. Which was strange saying as how they attacked a human.

"We captured 3 of them, but they won't shift to human. We think maybe they're too far gone to be human and the wolf instincts have fully taken over." Werewolfs don't have wolf, or person, in their minds. Not like most of the werewolf books out there. It's just one singular being.

Even then, it's as if someone is talking you into going completely bad. Your subconscious giving you doubts, telling you everything you think is wrong with yourself.

At least that's what we think happens.

I decided that it would be best to head up to my room finish whatever homework that was due for tomorrow and attempt sleep. Which has actually been possible lately, but I knew that wouldn't last.

About 11:30 I decide that it was a good idea to head to sleep. I turn off my light and get comfy in the middle of the bed.

Slowly, I fell into a deep sleep.


I was walking around in a blank void. There were shapes starting to create, but I couldn't make anything out. Noises here and there were things like pen drops, rain from a roof falling to the floor. Things you could only hear in a deafening silence.

Suddenly everything came into focus. The land around me, the trees rustled at a sudden wind, opening everything into an opening in the forest.

I knew what this was. It wasn't my dream. Well it was, but I wasn't in control.

Then, as if we were in the hall of a school building, footsteps echoed through the mass of trees. Soon enough HE appeared.

"I've found you."


One month, three days finished, nothing but negatives coming my way. Rouges attacking humans, even my father is freaking out about that. Don't know what's going on about the rouges and now not even my mind is a safe place.


A done.

This is NOT the end. Lol.

How do you guys like this chapter??

I know there are mistakes, a lot of them. But I was rushing to finish this chapter for yall! But then again I knew what was going to happen so far soooo.. Ya.

Anyways, please vote, comment, share I I hope yall like the chapter.


Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat