Chapter 3

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So I hope everyone is liking this book so far, my best friend loves it, but I'd like comments say other like it too! So please at least comment!!!

If not I guess that's okay too.
Here's chapter 3!!!


Ten chapters, two days, and a full pizza down. Many more to go.


Three books, three days, and even I don't know how much food down. And still many more to go.

I was driving to the store so that I could get something for dinner tonight. We've officially eaten everything that we can find in the car and boxed up in can goods.

Why we had those I don't know. I didn't box up the kitchen.

I was still trying to find my way around the town. It was big, but not as big as my old town. The first store I found was a Walmart. One of the ones that have the grocery store to them.

Anyways. Going in and looking around, I decided I wanted to get school stuff first and then go and get food for the house. You know how in every Walmart the layout of the store is almost always different from the last? I circled the store a few times before I found what I was looking for.

Finally finding it I walk over to the craft supplies and stationary items and start to load my cart with a few necessities. The basics, paper, notebooks, pens, pencils and a binder.

I wasn't paying that much attention to my surroundings, which I should do more often. I bump into this guy. He wasn't just a guy though; he was the hottest guy I have ever met in my entire life.

He had dark almost black hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through to mess up even more than it already is. His lips pink and very kissable. His chest- wait what?

Pink, kissable lips? Hair I wanna run my fingers through? It was as if ice cold water had been thrown on me, pulling me out of whatever ravine my thoughts took me to. I wouldn't let something like this happen, hell this is never going to happen!

I stood up real quick once that thought ran through my mind, helping me get out of that mess. But then I took a quick peek into his eyes. Those pretty much perfect amber colored eyes. They were almost mesmerizing. I could look into them for hours. OK seriously, I needed to stop. Needed to leave. NOW!

"Sorry." I mumbled lightly while trying to spin around to get the hell out of there. What I heard come out of his mouth wasn't sorry. No it was something not even I, an avid book reader, and mostly human/half werewolf, wanted to ever come out of someone's mouth.

He said, "MATE!" That made me turn back to face him in an instant.

"You have to be fucking kidding me. Are you serious right now? 'Cause if you are I might have to slap you." I say, actually just about yell, in my tired Texas accent.

My accent only comes out sometimes. When I'm tired or super pissed off, and right now I was both.

He gave me a funny look, like he was lost in thought or out in lala land. Which ever it was I took that as my get away. Leaving all my stuff there, I walked right out the front door, to my car and drove all the way home. And that's where I was sitting for the longest time till I remembered something.

I still haven't gotten anything for dinner nor did I get any of my school supplies.

Well crap.


I drove back to the store.
Please don't be here! I think to myself. And lone behold, well at least he wasn't waiting at the front door.

But he was here, with my school things in hand. Bought I might add.

And I ignored him. I grabbed everything I would need for fish tacos and a few more dinners, the snacks that we normally kept in the pantry, and things like milk, eggs and butter for the fridge.

I grabbed cereal, frozen dinners, some of those Tostinos pizza rolls. The whole shabang.

Things were going so smoothly too. Sure he was following me around like a lost puppy, but he was more or less lost in thought while doing so. That was until I got to the check-out lines. I was boxed in. Cart on one side, hot mate on the other.

He looked nervous, furious, sad, and confused, and happy all at the same time.
Yeah don't ask, I don't know how that happens either.

I could tell he wanted to ask me something. And they were probably along the lines of how I know about wolves, mates, and other shit like that. Being a human you wouldn't think I know these things. I mean who would think a human to know something about wolves.

I glance behind me again. He was just standing there looking at me, but in a way it seemed like he didn't actually see me. His eyes were glazed over and he looked very lost in thought still.

I put all of my stuff up onto the counter thing. Rang out, and was able to get to my car all with ease. He wasn't behind me. He wasn't in front of the car. He wasn't near me.

He was probably still in line, lost in thought. There wasn't anyone else in line that I could remember.

Without giving it another thought I backed out of the parking lot and was able to make a quick getaway without being caught by the wolf.

I hear something tapping in my mind. Something familiar. I just couldn't place my finger on it.

Pushing it to the side, more like throwing it into a locked cabinet, or the wardrobe to Narnia with no way out. I drive home with the music blaring. All thoughts of the wolf dismissed, I sing along to the radio as if nothing even happened.

And that's what I told myself. And I almost believed it. Keyword, almost.

Three days, school supplies and food obtained, and now, to my dismay, a wolf to top it all off. Great.


Goals for next chapter.

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Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt