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Jackson's POV

I can't stand that she doesn't know who I am. The doctors say she will regain her memory in time.. a month at most she won't have it. I have been to the hospital everyday for a week since the day I left. I can't abandon her even if she thinks I'm a stranger.

I check into the hospital with the nurse at the front desk and make the daily trek to her room.
She looked at me with her big eyes and spoke,
"Hi uh um" she looked painfully confused.

I giggled a little "It's Jackson, babe. Hi Luce." I smiled at her and she smiled back as I patted her on the head. She may not remember me but shit she's adorable as fuck. Tomorrow she gets to come home with me and I couldn't be any happier to get alone time with her again. But when she does regain her memory she will remember I never had these sexy black rimmed glasses before.

Suddenly she reached her hand up and ran it through my hair and wow I felt like a dog getting scratched behind the ears. Her touch was so gentle but so powerful and I feel bad for her in so many ways.

"Baby you come home with me tomorrow."

She looked a bit perplexed about going home mostly as she doesn't remember. I'm hoping being home will jog her memory faster and allow her to remember sooner. I just need my Lucey back.

Thankfully the nurse let me sit on her bed with her all day until visiting hours were over. She got lots of cuddles and hugs and we watched kids tv shows just for fun.

"Tomorrow, babe, we go home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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