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I grabbed the cigarette out of her hand and stomped it on the ground. I look up at her, longingly, I am so helpless.

"I'm sorry.."

I bow my head in shame as tears slide from my eyes onto the floor.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that I didn't even know if you wer-."

"Yeah. We were"

More tears slid down my face and her face got wetter with more tears. We both just stood there and cried. Without voices or anything, just crying.

"Can I stay here with you for a while?"


I lied in her bed with her and just hugged her and never let go. I loved her so much, I just don't know how to admit it to myself. I care so much for her, I never want this moment to end. She snuggled her head into my chest like a lost puppy. She longed for someone to care and not to leave her. Maybe I could be that person.... or maybe I'll never live up to that expectation.

I whispered into her hair.

"You're so cute."

I felt her smile against me and I even got a small giggle out of her. I knew slowly we could rebuild our relationship.

Luce's POV:

I sat there pressed up against Jackson, it felt as if time was standing still. This moment was perfect. We can fix this. I just know it. I'm so tired and my eyelids get heavier. Finally I pass out in his arms. I hope this never ends.

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