Ears and sleep

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My eyes open slowly as I'm adjusting to the lighting, the nurse next to me gasps and presses a button. My doctor rushes in and looks as if he is about to cry, "how long was I asleep?" I ask still sluggish from the meds in my arm. "About a month and a half" he replies. My eyes fly open as I hear his voice and am startled by the news. "A month and a half!!?" I almost yell. The doctors eyes widen in surprise, most likely because I could hear and the surgery worked. After a few minutes a woman came bursting through the door crying "they didn't think you were going to live!" She sniffled and I had so many questions running through my head. All I could get out was "what happened?" The nursing assistant left a plate of food on my lap and the doctors started talking. "So the surgery was going good and after the cutting was done your breathing started to slow and you began to wake up. We couldn't have you conscious becau- well I think you understand why, so we put more morphine into your system. We believe the mixture of stress on your body and the extra amounts of morphine in your body it caused you to go into a drug induced coma. At that time we thought you would've died because of the position we were all in. Lucky, you were only in a coma for about 7 weeks and now it looks like all your tests have proven you're healthy." I nodded so they understood that I understood.

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