Fixing the Broken

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Jacksons POV:

I her hair through my fingers until I know it's time to go to school, she will go back today too.

"Babyyyyy." I whispered into her hear.

She giggled and said back in a tired voice,


"Time to go to school"

"I don't like school"

"You haven't been in a month"


Finally I was done arguing with her, so I yanked her out of her bed and carried her to the shower.

"Get ready or you get the cold water treatment"


She thought I was joking when she sat on the toilet lid and pouted. I went to the sink, took the cap off the mouthwash and filled it with cold water. Then dumping it on her head.


She was really pissed, and she kicked me in the shin, hard.

"Ow, what the fuck?"

"What the fuck you?! You poured goddamn water on my head!"

I smirked. "I warned you. Now get ready."

I left the bathroom and proceeded to my room to get ready to go to hell. Yes, yes, I'm a popular boy and I shouldn't complain but my grades are quite shit.

I stayed with Luce for the whole day even though I am in a different grade. People looked at me like I was crazy for hanging out with her. Am I crazy for being with Luce? She's not weird or anything in my eyes, maybe in others but never mine.

The Next Day
Luce and I walked our separate ways during class today. She didn't need time today, but I'd still see her at lunch thankfully.
Finally the day was over so I started walking home the way I usually go. When I walked around the corner I saw Bryce, Tommy, and, Jake, good friends of mine.

"Hey guy-."

All of a sudden they approached me and pinned me up against a wall. I took a few punches to the face and kicks to the balls.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!?!" I screamed.

Tommy stepped forward,
"Dude you need to stop hanging out with that freak Luce."

"She's not a freak."

They all swung at me. I was pinned and couldn't move. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure walking down the street coming this way.

"Is that-...."

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