The Ritual of Asking

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Everywhere along the school walls are posters for the Holiday dance for the Juinors and seniors. I ignore everyone as I walk to class in silence. I take my seat in Chemistry, but Rose doesn't sit next to me, a taller,  brown haired boy does. Rose doesn't come into the class at all...

At lunch I sit alone, but after a few minutes Jackson comes over and sits next to me. "Have you picked you're date for the dance yet?" He asked, unlike my old school this dance is girls choice. "I don't dance" I say back in a somewhat harsh tone. He writes on a piece of paper, tomorrow there is this thing, every year we go meet up somewhere with a bunch of other foster kids and "mingle". I look back at him confused and concerned. He's walks away to his friends. Missy comes up to me with her pinched up face, trips clearly on purpose and tries to spill her latte all over me. Thankfully, I catch her, throw her to the side and dump the latte on her head. The rest of the day goes by to slow to count the seconds, and I'm walking home.

I walk pretty quickly and Jackson, follows behind. Eventually he catches up and we're about 5 minutes away from home, mom and dad are at work for the next couple of hours so usually we just study and do homework. But today when we got home we went back to that room...

Omg guys nearly 300 reads!!!!! I am so thankful to all of you that have been following along. Please share this story and comment what you think!!

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