The final day

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Today was Saturday, I woke up feeling great and before I knew it I was wasting away my last day in this town. The clock blared 12:49pm and I realized I slept in. "Damnit" I whisper to myself. Jackson bursts into my room holding a picnic basket and shows me a picture of a beach, "a date?" I ask, he nods, I feel my face start to heat up and he smiles. Jackson has a car and a good driving record, so it is ok that he is driving. He opens the door of the dark blue car and closes it behind me. I decided to wear a nice floral patterned green dress, and my high black boots. It was spring now and I thought this would be the perfect outfit for our last moment together, well not exactly our last moment but you know what I mean. We walked into the coarse sand and Jack set down a blanket. He took my hand and led me down to the water, I knew he had liked the ocean because he has several pictures of himself here and he has surfing trophies. My toes got graced by the cold water, and I jumped a bit. Well, maybe more then a bit because next thing I knew I was in Jacks arms and he lips were pressed against mine. The sweet spring air was dancing around us in that moment that seemed to last a lifetime. He put me down after we had returned to the blanket and we sat watching the waves, he had his arm around me and my head was on his shoulder. It was like one of those pictures you see and dream of yourself being in, where everything is perfect and still. Jack had packed a bottle of champagne, water, and sandwiches. "You're quite the chef" I exclaimed with a wink, he looked at my blankly for a second then started to laugh. We stayed until the sky became golden and red, mixed with blues, pinks, and purples. The sun was a flaming red ball in the sky and the ocean was reflecting the sky. This was one of the best days of my life, and it all went to fast...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I got you guys with a sneaky cliff hanger, don't worry you'll eventually find out when happens. Also, we at at 600 freaking reads! Two days ago I just hit 500, I'm so happy that people like this. My first chapter is the most read, even though it may be the shortest chapter. Well, enough of my rambling, go read!! - 3016Dreamer

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