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Jacksons POV

I sit in the dark hospital room, waiting for her to wake up. There are machines and wires hooked up to her everywhere, it just makes me feel depressed. I push the hair out of her pale face, her eyelids covered her beautiful eyes, what I would give to see them right now. I softly placed my hands on top of hers and kissed her on the forehead. I couldn't wait until she woke up...

One Week Later

I had been back and fourth to the hospital everyday this week without much sleep. I looked like a mess, my hair was tossed and my eyes were red from crying. I was wondering if she would ever wake up again.
Finally at midnight she had started moving in a bit and after being in a coma for a week I prayed she would awake. Then my prayers were answered when her eyes fluttered open slowly. I jumped out of my chair and called the doctor in.
Luce looked at me with her huge begging eyes and she smiled.. I forgot how much I missed her lips on mine and right now I would give anything to kiss her so hard her heart melts into her. The doctor came in the room and checked her vitals and such.

Luce's POV

I slowly rose from what felt like the dead to see the somewhat familiar insides of a hospital room. But I didn't know what was happening, there was a boy standing above me with tears in his eyes. Who was he...? The doctors came in and surrounded me, and started to ask questions.

"Miss do you know who you are?"
"How old are you?"
"Where do you go to school?"

I was overwhelmed and terrified by all these strangers in my face I didn't know why the questions were being asked. Finally the boy had said something, "Luce?.. do you know who I am?"

I looked up at him confused as fuck and cocked my head, "no.. who are all of you." The boy ran out of the room sobbing and one of the doctors followed, the others had stayed behind and tried speaking to me. Eventually they decided that I needed a CAT scan, of course I don't know what that is so I was rolled into an unknown room, still haven't seen the boy since I woke up.

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