A few days later..

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Luce's POV:
I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling, I haven't gotten out of this room for 4 days and I'm waiting impatiently for something to happen. I hear Jackson sometimes, screaming or punching a wall. He is upset and angry, so am I, but I guess I've dealt with it in a different way. I haven't eaten anything in 5 days, it feels like a hole is slowly tearing through my stomach ripping me apart. I'm pretty sure I've lost some weight too, at least I look thinner. I may go back to school on Monday considering it's only Saturday and I haven't been this or last week. I honestly think I prefer being deft sometimes. I don't have to listen to all the pain. I don't need to be apart of it. Right now my stress levels cannot be healthy. Once in a while my heart races without warning or I get out of breath from just pacing around.

Jackson's POV:
My knuckles were red as I punched the wall for the 3rd time in a row. No matter how hard I punched it, I never broke my hand. I seemed invincible, but not to all the feeling circling in my head, I've never been so confused. My other hand was scarred all over, scabs covered ever but if knuckle the could've been skin. I went over to the bathroom and cleaned up my hands. I haven't seen Luce in a bit, but I know she won't want to see me. I just don't know what to do anymore...

Hmm? What should Jackson do? Comment here and I may just pick your idea and implement it into the next chapter.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while i have been extremely busy with school and life. On the bright side we got 2,000 reads!!! Thank you so much I love all of y'all. -3016Dreamer

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