The Stories

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I finish telling my story with a long sigh, a breath of relief. Now it is Jacksons turn, he's writing everything down for me. [JACKSONS POV] I woke up on a rainy spring day, my parents were preparing for a road trip that had been planned for months. I was in a situation like yours, I couldn't escape, I couldn't tell, but then there was a time where I got so angry I lost it, I had to fight back. My little brother was killed by my parents, but I was very lucky to survive...
I sit listening to Jacksons sorrowful tale of loss much like my own but different. After he had finish all that was said was, "Im so sorry..." and words of apology of making the other person visualize this time of their lives.

"Is it ok if I call you Jack?" He nodded in approval, and I smiled. Him and I talked for hours about or past lives. "Are you ever scared that he will come back for you?", "No", I reply, "He is locked in a cell for the rest of his days."

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