September 14th

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I was texting Rosemary at 10 o'clock, when I see my door slightly moving, I yell, "come in". No one comes in, just another movement, that damn football. I storm out of my room and over to Jackson's, not seeing the football hurling toward my nose, I fall over, more dramatically then it should've been, but whatever. Not concerned that my nose was bleeding whatsoever, he picked up the ball and went back to his bed. I walked furiously into his room and started yelling at him, "are oh serious? Can you not be annoying? Bye". I walk back over to my room leaving a couple of drops of blood on the hard wood floor. I sat down holding my nose and started to cry, I was different from anyone else. At least I have Rosemary, we texted for the next hour until I passed out.

The next morning I woke up and smelt toast, I quickly grabbed a buttered slice and caught up to Jackson. "What" he mouthed, I wanted to apologize but he was such a jerk. So I didn't, maybe I could later. I walked to my locker and accidentally ran into someone and they dropped they're books. I tried to help pick them up but I got pushed over. "Bitch! Watch where you're going! You insensitive little prick." I couldn't understand what she was saying but I got the gist. "What're you? Deft?" I could tell what that meant and it hit straight to home. I stood up for myself this time, knowing she was older and taller I kicked her in the shin and started yelling. A crowd was gathering so I grabbed my stuff and walked quickly to class.

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