The Fosters Meeting

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I wake up with my hair stuck to my mouth like someone had glued it there. After quite a bit of trying I got my hair off my mouth and walked over to the bathroom. Before I turned I looked near my closet and saw a small tuft of blonde hair. I knew it was Jackson but I pretended to ignore it. I started to walk downstairs for breakfast but I took a sharp turn at Jacksons door and grabbed his football. I crept back into my room with the ball in hand and opened the closet and threw it. Wait. He wasn't there. Shit, where is h-, and before I finished my sentence he came up behind me and started ticking me. He attempted to kiss me again, but I couldn't take him up on his offer. I impatiently pushed him out of my room and locked the door.

A few hours later we arrive at a green common. There are about 50 children and teenagers sitting in a circle in the center of the common. Jackson and I walk over to where the teens are sitting and we sit down. I see Rose on the other side of the group and go over to her, "you're a foster kid?", she writes down, we all have a story.

The picture is of the Foster Kids, don't worry, you'll be introduced to all of them. Also, they're major characters the could change the book drastically ;)

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