Goodbye, forever?

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Luce's POV
The lady that I had met prior to going into child services had came back and retrieved me from my current household. I put my bags in the trunk and got settled for the 9 hour drive ahead of me. I had a backpack with a water bottle and a few snacks, even though I was aware we would be stopping for meals. I think I knew this lady in a past life, I don't know her but I remember her face so vividly. I had felt like everything was about to change, again. [Arrival]. I stepped out of the car onto the cement driveway, I was presented with a lady whose hair had grayed. She led me into the small cottage-like house and showed me my room. I'm not complaining, but it was probably half the size of my old room, maybe even smaller. I was also greeted by a boy with crooked teeth and glasses, "blind?" I asked him, he nodded his head, pointed to his ear then made an X with his hands. "Yup..." After a few moments of awkward silence we went back to our own things, I unpacked and started to settle into my new room.

Hey guys, ik this chapter is a bit dry. I know where I want the story to go, I just need to come up with transitions and middle parts to reach the ideal ending that I want. Yes, I have worked out the whole ending, it's gonna be a blast, 😂, jk everything's gonna be good, I hope. Well, I'll see you guys on the flip side. -3016Dreamer

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