Chapter 28

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Noah was almost scared to walk through the school gates on that first pupil day of term. His rucksack hung off one shoulder; his black shoes were well polished; and Ruth had demanded that he had a haircut, so his messy light brown mop of hair had been cut down to a smart, shorter cut. Tom smiled at him cheekily as Noah walked into Tom’s classroom.

                “Did Emma ever have mad mood swings when she was pregnant with your two?” Noah asked exhaustion in his voice.

                “She was a little chaotic with Natalia, but she got better with Sammy. What’s Ruth like?” Tom asked as he logged on to his computer.

                “If she’s not being sick then she’s eating or sleeping. I can’t get enough food into her.” Noah complained.

                “She got a craving yet?”

                “Eggy bread, it’s disgusting.” Tom chuckled.

                “Have you guys been to the doctors yet?”

                “Yeah, she’s a month gone; due 19th May.”

“Another two months or so until she starts getting fat.” Tom chuckled to himself.

                “Please don’t; she’s gonna get so moody about that. She’s always been so thin.” The bell rang for registration and Noah walked across the hall into his own empty classroom. Tom followed.

                “Look, you love Ruth, you always have. In the past 18 months or so you’ve been more alive than you’ve ever been in your life. You’re actually happy rather than content.” Tom sat on one of the desk tops and Noah frowned, knowing that Tom was right.

                “Did you feel ready to be a Dad when you found out that Natalia was on the way?”

                “No.” Tom laughed. “But you never do feel ready. Not even when I found out about little Sammy.”

                “How do you and Emma not murder one another?”

                “We just don’t, mainly because Nattie has the cutest grin in the world.” Tom chuckled.

                “And does Emma know that you call Natalia Nattie?”

                “Nope.” The two men laughed. Kids appeared outside the door, looking through the small window in the door. Tom hopped off the desk and walked back to his classroom,

                “We’ll talk later, okay?” Tom said as he opened the door. Noah nodded. “Want the kids in?”

                “Yup.” Noah said reluctantly. The 30 new year 7’s slowly trundled in, “Line up at the back!” Noah instructed. The fearful eyes of the 11-year-olds were fixed on the floor, terrified of their 26-year-old teacher. Noah read out names, pointing to desks, until each of the 30 11-year-olds was sat with a boot in front of them, and a pen on their desk.

                “My name is Mr Hardy, and you’re gonna be stuck with me for two lessons a week for the rest of the year. I intend to get you up to speed with science ready for year 8 with whatever teacher you have then.” Noah introduced,       “Let’s begin with cells.” Noah smiled the charismatic smile he always beamed at the idea of Ruth.

Ruth groaned as her stomach churned again as she sipped her water in the office. Her stomach wasn’t dealing too well, and it was her third day of work. Millie, of course, had found out about the baby, and accepted the fact that Ruth could be late to work some days.

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