Chapter 7

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Age 25

Every Monday evening had been reserved in Ruth’s life for her parents for the past three years since she got her masters degree, and now, every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday were now being reserved for her life with Noah. He had managed to acquire the flat opposite so the pair dedicated three days a week to one another to try and fix two years of silence. The Saturday before Noah moved across the hall, he was over at Ruth’s, sat on the sofa, watching a film of her choice, as they had planned.

                “You look very nice tonight.” Noah complemented as he sipped the cider he had brought over.

                “Thanks, Noah.” Ruth smiled at her oldest friends. They’d been talking for two months, and were nearly back to year 6 stage of talking as much as they could, but didn’t touch.

                “Are you alright with all of this, Ruth?” Noah asked awkwardly and incredibly shyly.

                “Yes, I prefer life with you around than before.” She smiled at him and placed her hand on the sofa. He placed his hand an inch away from hers. She moved her hand to rest next to his. She looked up and smiled at him with both happiness and sorrow glistening within her dark, mysterious eyes.

                “I know I’m an utter metaphorical pain in the arse, but I really do appreciate how much time you’re willing to spend with me. I know that knowing a girl you’ve known your entire life, and both have feelings for one another, they would have had sex, probably a lot, by now. But you understand me just touching you again is a giant leap forward for me. And I really appreciate you knowing how to take things my pace.” She smiled at him, her kindest most magical smile. Noah looked at her in awe of her. She appreciated him, she had feelings for him, but she was also scared of everything. So much of her had changed in two years in Noah’s eyes; she was compassionate, and actually appreciated his patience, unlike every time before.

                “I just wanna go with everything you’re comfortable with; no faster, not like last time.” Noah whispered, gently running his little finger along Ruth’s. She smiled at him, the comfort that still came with his gently, patient touch.

                “I know I have to be brave because one day things are going to be different. I like to imagine the future sometimes.”

                “Really? Can I know how you depict the future?” Ruth stood up and pulled a ring-bound notepad from a shelf and sat down, cross-legged, facing the boy she depicted as her boyfriend.

                “You sure?” Ruth asked. Noah turned around to face Ruth, placing his cider on the glass coffee table. Ruth opened the notepad and began to read:

                “To me, I see the future only with Noah Edward Hardy because we’ve always been good at figuring things out. I see us living in our hometown in a two-story house, painted white, with three bedrooms. I want two children so if I have the beauty of having a child who doesn’t suffer like me that they have someone to talk to. I want them to be accepting of everyone, like Noah is. I want to keep my job working for Millie, even if Millie leaves, because I like my job and Millie says I’m good at it. Noah will probably keep his job as a teacher, even once Abbie and Evie leave. I know Evie isn’t into men, but I hope she finds happiness with someone, despite Mum and Dad. Alyssa will go on to something wonderful in the computer science world. Abbie will do something clever, and no one will ever forget Leon because he was amazing at everything. I miss him.” She looked up from the notebook and smiled at Noah. Tears of happiness were trickling down his face.

                “You don’t forget anyone, do you?” He whispered, wiping his eyes and cheeks.

                “Did I make you sad?” Ruth asked, handing him her box of tissues.

                “No, Ruth, that was utterly beautiful.” He smiled at her, placing one hand on the sofa in front of Ruth. She placed hers on top.

                “I want to be yours.” She whispered, looking into Noah’s eyes. He beamed at her, happiness pouring from him, filling the room.

                “I want to take things at your pace though.” He whispered. She smiled and nodded.

                “Will you be… be my boyfriend?” She stammered, her eyes flickering around the room. Noah could do nothing but smile in pleasure at her question.

                “I’ve been waiting over a decade for you to ask me that.” He chuckled. “But yes, I will be your boyfriend, if you’ll be my girlfriend, and are willing to come to my parents on Tuesday as my girlfriend. Not very much has changed there, I promise.” Noah knew perfectly well that his parents would never believe him without Ruth being there.

                “Sure. I know where it is, I know your family. I will try not to panic.” She giggled, resting her hand on top of his still. “Also, I’m sorry in advance for things with me moving so slowly.” She whispered, looking down to their hands. Noah simply placed his other hand in front of Ruth and she placed her other hand on top of his.

                “I completely understand, Ruth. And everything is entirely up to you.” He whispered, looking her directly in the eyes. She smiled radiantly at him.

                “Thank you.” She blushed,

                “Not a problem; I don’t want to scare you off again.” He chuckled and placed his hands on top of hers, gently stroking them, making her heart beat fast and her skin glow red and pink from blushing. She had missed this, and so had he. 

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