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Mom woke me up the next morning and made me go shower half an hour earlier.

I could smell flowers -rose, when I went out of the bathroom and for a moment, I thought that maybe, just maybe, Logan had come back. The way he did the night before. But apparently, the smell came from a bouquet of flowers on my desk. It must have been from my parents.

As I recalled last night's event, I still couldn't come to an answer as to whether or not it was real. But most of the evidence -like, my body was covered in wet when I woke up, or the scientific fact that there wasn't such thing like ghosts- led me to the 'no' answer.

We drove together to school that day. Me, in my graduation gown, and my parents, in outfits that were too fancy for graduation. We were driving mostly in silence, but I could feel my parents', and apparently, my own excitement for graduation.

The graduates were just about to line up when we arrived. I hurried up to where people with red gowns were while my parents were jogging to the bench.

I saw Audrey talking with a group of people, and threw a small smile. She smiled back. Not expecting it, I was a little surprised when she left her group and walked toward me. We didn't say anything because soon, we were lining up to be called.

I didn't realize I was looking at the crowds of people on the bench. There were so many people smiling, taking pictures, cheering, and all things someone could do to express their happiness. I didn't know I was staring long emough but I sure knew that I was looking for Logan. Or his parents. Or any other other signs of him.

This was a graduation he had missed. I was trying to find a single trace of him. He could have been here. He should have been here.

Everything went blur after. My name was called. And suddenly, I was in the middle of cheering, laughing, shouting, hugging, crying, and the color of red from the graduation gowns.

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