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"Why do you think the leaves are falling?" I asked out of curiousity and boredom.

"Because they are bored."

"I don't get it."

He pointed his finger to a tree up there.

"Do you not think it would be so boring to just hang in there in the tree, with thousands of other leaves, you only move if there's wind, all year?"

"It is, I guess. I don't know. I never hung in the tree before."

"Well then you should."

I threw a look at him. And we laughed. It was so good to hear it again.

"So, you must be bored up there, and when there's the time in a year where you could fall and fly, you would take the chance," he continued.

"But they can do it in winter."

"Winter is cold. And the only thing you will fall onto is snow."

I turned to his side. He was still staring into the tree, or the sky.

"What happens to those that don't make it to the ground?"

"What do you mean? They are brought by the wind?"

"Them and those that are stuck in the tree."

"They are brought to the new place. Could be the better, or the worse one. And those that stuck in the tree, will never experience the adventure that the falling leaves have. But you know what?"

He turned to my side. Now we were facing each other. His beautiful face was right in front of me and it gave the thing it and he always did. Warmth.


"I don't think there are leaves stuck in the tree."


"I don't know. That's kind of natural, right? They will fall eventually."

"That makes sense. I'm not surprised when I know you made this up."

"At least you have answer."

He put his hand on my cheek and he rubbed it gently. I wasn't surprised when electricity went through my body. It woke me every nerve in me up.

"I like our conversations most of the time."

"So do I."

"We turned a conversation about the falling leaves into a fucking conversation full of phylosopy."

He made the last sentence hang in the air. The next move he made was closing the distance between us as he put his lips on mine.

He Left Me AloneWhere stories live. Discover now