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In those summer nights we would just sit on the rooftop drinking lemonade. We just talked nonsense.

But eventually, we had always got into this converstion we liked to call "favorite thing".

The conversation would go like this.

Me : favorite drink?

Him : Coke. Favorite subject?

Me : Can you not involve school in this beautiful summer night?

Him : Oops, sorry. But you have to answer!

Me : Fine, Art. You?

Him : English. Favorite Beatle?

Me : Paul.

Him : I knew it!

Me : What? How?

Him : He is hot.

Me : Okay? My turn. Favorite movie?

Him : The Notebook.

Me : Oh my god!

Him : What? No judge, dude! That's like the best movie ever!

Me : Really?

Him : You haven't watched?

Me : I have. But, you know, not really my kind of movie.

Him : I have watched like, a thousand times and I cry everytime.

Me : You did?

Him : You did not?

Me : Nope.

Him : Weirdo!

Me : Whatever.

Him : Okay, my turn. Favorite book?

Me : You can't make me choose!

Him : Yes I can.

Me : That's cruel. Um, let me think. Okay, Harry Potter.

Him : Dude, every single human being in this universe knows you like Harry Potter. Another one?

Me : That's hard. Um, The Book Thief. My turn. Favorite person?

Him : What do you mean?

Me : I don't know. Idols, maybe.

Him : ....

Me : ....

Him : You, of course.

Me : ....

Him : ....

Me : You're funny. (laughs)

Him : I meant it!

Me : (laughs)

Him : Stop laughing!

And without us knowing, we already removed another layer of ourseles. Revealing each other more and more. I knew him better. And so did he.

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