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1 year later

Marcel Pov.

I was on bed with everyone else. The baby monitor started to make noise. Shit. The babies are crying. Craig volunteered to go. He got up from the bed and started walking out. I felt kind of bad making Craig go by himself. I got up and I looked to see everyone else was getting up to. We all walked to the baby's room opening the door seeing Craig on the rocking chair. He had Owen in his arms. He was crying. Hunter and Zayden were standing holding on the top of the crib, and Camellia is in the crib laying down crying worse than the boys. Craig was rocking on the chair having his eyes closed. The boys were a year old and started crawling when they were 8 months. Camellia is 15 months old and hasn't crawled yet. It still scares me. I was about to go help stop the babies cry till.

"Hey there little Sunshine. How do you do, there's a great big world, waiting for you!" Craig sang and Owen started to cry a little less. "As you lay your tiny head, dream of the world, they're gonna love you, their sun will return!" Hunter and Zayden started to calm down. " Little Sunshine, Little Sunshine, Let your radiance show! Little Sunshine, Little Sunshine, Let your kind heart glow!" Camellia was still crying bad. Craig got up toward her crib not noticing us we were here opening his eyes. "Though the shadows may close in, you will stay strong, your little spark of love, will cast out the dark!" Camellia started to cry less now but Zayden cried more again. He got up to his crib petting his head. "Know that y'all are not alone, the moon's at your side. Together you'll cleanse the world, you'll always be my pride!" Craig looked at each of the babies. They all started to stop crying. "Little Sunshine, Little Sunshine, Let your radiance show! Little Sunshine, Little Sunshine, Let your kind heart glow!" Craig started to have tears form. "I may not always be here, to guide your way, but I know you'll be fine, seeing the day!" Tears started to fall on Craig's cheeks. "Dance among the clouds, my dears, bring in the light. Be good for me, my dears, as my soul alights!" Craig covered Zayden to sleep, then Hunter, then Camellia then went to put Owen back in the crib covering him up. "Little Sunshine, Little Sunshine, Let your radiance show! Little Sunshine, Little Sunshine, let your kind heart glow..." they were all asleep. Craig kissed each of the baby's head. He walked back to Owen petting his head having tears already down. He placed the little toy bunny that Craig got Cam when we came home. She really loves it. "Take care of your brothers and sister Owen with your mama's and papa's. Shit I have to stop crying. I don't want them to know. Man, how am I going to tell them." Craig used his sleeve to wipe his tears. He turned going to the door but saw us. I was crying a little. Everyone had little tears. David grabbed Craig's hand taking him back to our room. I was shock at first. Craig had an amazing voice. No wonder the kids stops crying so fast!

"Craig. I mean how come you never told us you could sing like that I mean," Evan said.

"I thought it wasn't important. Each one of you have a great talent. Evan, you play guitar so beautifully. Jonathan has the most maniacal laugh that is so rare to hear. Tyler has a way to make everyone laugh from his most stupid jokes."

"Hey!" Tyler puffed his cheeks.

"Marcel is smart figuring out 2 things separate in an instant. Lui has his voice that no one can do, David makes the best lyrics you can read that you hear from the world, Brian has the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Brock he is so caring to make you feel warm inside. I just didn't think singing was a talent for me," Craig said. "Craig, you have an amazing voice!" Brock yelled.

"Craig what did you mean 'how I am going to tell them.' Are you hiding something from us?" Brian asked. Craig sat in the middle of the bed looking down. He had tears coming down. "Craig we're here for you were just worried," I said. "I-I'm going to d-die." It made all our eyes wide. "What?!"

"What do you mean Mini? You're not dying!" Brock yelled. He started to cry more. "I am! I found out a year ago on our wedding day when Lynn talked to me. They found something in my system. The reason why I was so sick, pale, and weak when I gave birth to Cam. They said I was lucky to even come back to life when I died. That substance they put in me. It was different from y'alls. I been talking to Lynn about this situation for the past year and with other doctors and scientist that she was close to. They said the best shot I got is......Putting me in a coma as they test me or I just live it out and die in 2 months." what.....

"A coma?" Craig nodded.

"For how long?" David said having his head down.

"Till they figure how to save me...... 5-10 years."

"B-but Craig you'll miss their childhood!" Jonathan said. We were all in tears. "I'm sorry guy. I didn't want to tell you. I just. I don't know. When I sleep, they have a substance ready for me that they will put in me. They said that if there a chance I can wake up early and be better giving me a good reason to stay. I- I just don't want to die and leave you guys." I felt so horrible. I kissed Craig passionately. It was a little messy from the tear's, but I didn't care. Everyone else did the same.

"When are you going to a coma?" I said.

"Tomorrow. They're going to do it in the hospital here. At least y'all can v-visit m-me." Craig smiled. I hugged him and so did everyone.

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