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Tyler's Pov.

I woke looking out the window from Craig's room seeing it was morning. I was in Evans arms, so I got out of his arms and headed down the hall to see Craig's mom cooking.

"O hello Tyler, how are you?"

"I'm fine Craig's mom. Can I have some coffee if you have some?" I asked.

"Yes, you can dear. I made enough for all of us," she said passing me a cup and pouring some coffee. I drank some of it reminding me how Craig makes it, but it just tasted a little different so I'm good. I helped her finish cooking rest of the breakfast then going to wake the other 3 up. I woke up David and see his emerald eyes adjust so I went to Evan next opening his chocolate brown. Then finally I woke up the last one. Craig opened his eyes with some drool on his mouth that made me laugh. I told them breakfast was ready and headed back to the kitchen to see that Ms. Thompson already served the plates. I grabbed the plates and placed them on the table just in time when they came in. They all sat down yawning. I sat next to Craig and started eating.

"Craig sweetie I have to go now. Your father already left to work, and I have to help him. We have a big delivery."

"Okay mom," he said hugging her then she left.

"Guy's how are we going to face them?" David asked looking at us.

"I don't know but I think they are right. We did get lazier, but they had no right telling us all that stuff," I said a little mad.

"I think we should see a doctor, maybe there is something wrong, but I don't want them to worry," Craig said.

"They know us so they will be waiting at the hospital to see us and say they were right. We can't let them know," David said. Evan started to stay quiet thinking.

"What you are thinking, Evan?"

"Well to tell you the truth, remember Lynn?" We all shook our heads I mean how can we forget it is Evan's sister.

"Well I never told y'all but Lynn is a doctor, but she does work part time at the Company, so she can be prepared just in case someone gets hurt she can take care of it. She is getting married to Greg, so he will run the company, but my dad is showing him the strings in the company so now Lynn is working at the hospital longer in Canada. I can give her a call and tell her we're coming, and we think somethings wrong with us so she can check. Tell her our situation. The doctors and nurses know her so they can let us slide in since she's really good," Evan said smiling knowing that he just figured out how we can get checked.

"But one problem. We left all our stuff like our money and phones at home, so we have no money to buy tickets to go to Canada," Craig said now disappointed. Evan got up and headed to the phone that was on the counter. After 20 minutes of waiting Evan came back.

"Okay we're set. Gave a call to my dad and told him our situation so when we go to the airport our tickets are already paid so we're good. When we get to Canada, Mathew is going to pick us up and take us to my place. We can take a shower over there and don't worry. I sent Lynn to shop you a pair of clothes y'all can change in when we're done taking a shower."

"Okay we have to hurry. We can't walk and they have a truck so they will notice us," David said. That's when Craig went to his room and back to us. "I saved up some money here and left it just in case. It should be enough for us to take a cab and head to the airport." Craig showing a coupe of dollars. I kissed his cheek as a thanks while David called us a cab to take.

We waited 10 minutes, but it finally arrived. We got in and told the driver to take us to the airport. While we were driving, we stopped at the red light. I looked to my right to see Lui and Marcel in the truck. I guess the other saw because they started putting their heads down. After the light turned green, they turned while we kept going straight. It did hurt me not telling them, but we can't let them worry more. We made it to the airport without a sign of the others. Craig paid the cab driver then we went in. We told our print ID online and gave us our tickets without a problem. We made it just in time when they were boarding

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