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Mini's Pov

I was sitting next to Nogla on a bench, feeling a little dizzy. Tyler and Evan left to get us ice cream. As soon as they came back, we walked around and started talking what games we should play next. As we were walking, I felt a little wobbly and hot. I don't know what was wrong with me. I felt like this yesterday to when I woke up and heading to the airport the day before. "Mini, are you OKAY?" Tyler asked waving his hand in front of my face. "I-I'm fine just a li-" Next thing I know I blacked out. I felt warm arms wrap around me and felt lighter somehow.
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Evan's Pov

Before Craig could hit the ground, I caught him. Tyler touched Mini's forehead and said, "I knew it. He has a fever, looks like he pushed himself too much. Seems he's been having it a couple of days. He's been pushing himself too much." "I'll carry him," I said putting him on my back, but had a hard time doing so. Nogla came and helped me put him on my back then we started heading back. I placed Mini on his bed while Tyler went to get a wet towel. Nogla was looking at him being worried as fuck. Well I was to. I was stupid not to realize it either. Tyler knew but didn't say anything. Guess he knew it would hurt Mini if we were stuck inside, but now we have no choice. We decided to stay in and watch over Mini. Nogla wanted to stay with Mini first, so me and Tyler left to watch TV. We were watching the weather to see how tomorrow is going to be. It was going to rain with some thunder coming in. We were running out of food to eat so I had to go buy some before it hits tomorrow.
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Mini's Pov

I woke up feeling wet on my forehead. It was a wet towel. I felt so weak and dizzy, I guess I had a fever. I was tired and thirsty. I tried to call out for someone, but my voice was too weak to come. My phone was on the counter, so I grabbed it and tried calling Evan first. He answered, "Hello?" "E-Evan, where are you?" My voice was really low and I'm not sure Evan could hear. "I left to the store to grab us something to eat, we were running out of food. I wanted to go early before the storm comes. Nogla came with me while Tyler watched over," he said. "What do you mean?" I was a little confused and couldn't hear what Evan said. "We were watching over you since you passed out in the park. You really scared us. You should have told us you had a fever; you know we care about you right." That made my heart skip. I shook my head out of thought and asked "E-Evan is Tyler h-here?" I asked. "Wildcat went to find something to snack. I'll call and tell him you-" "Can you tell him bring me some water? My throat is dry." "Sure, thing buddy, I'll call him now, just sit tight." I did for a awhile until Wildcat came in. "Hey buddy you okay? I got you water," he said sitting down on the side of the bed holding it. I tried to get up and grab it, but my body didn't respond. Next thing I knew, I was pulled up. "If you need help, you could have asked. Now open your mouth to swallow." He put the water in my mouth for me to swallow. "There you go buddy. You should rest up; if you need anything just call my phone. I know your voice is weak from the fever so don't worry." He laid me back down and tucked me up. "Don't work yourself to much. Now rest up. I'll be back later to check you up," he said leaving the room. I blushed a little knowing that Tyler was worried for me to. Even if Tyler acts tough around us, we know he's a softy.
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Tyler's Pov

As soon food was done, we decided to eat with Mini in his room, so he won't have to eat alone. I had his plate with me while Evan was holding our drinks and Nogla "showing off" by holding the 3 plates, one on each of his hand and the other on top of his head. It was pretty funny actually. I opened the door to let us in. We all settled the plate down. Evan went to wake up Mini. He opened his bright blueish green eyes and looked around. "Come on dude eat up. You haven't eaten." He was so pleased. He grabbed the fork and started chopping down the food. It was pretty cute and funny the same time. I was older than him by a few months, but younger than Nogla. Vanoss was older than all of us but we didn't complain. We ate happily since Craig looks a little better. As soon we were done, we headed back down to let Mini rest up a little longer, that's when the weather came. Nogla put on a scary movie to make the background noise scarier. It was stupid but Evan and I played along. In the middle of the movie A big thunder stroke that made us all jump and causing a black out. It looked like the whole neighborhood had one to. Evan was laughing his butt off making fun how we looked like when we jump. It ticked me off and hurt a little.
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Mini's Pov

A Big Thunder stroke that made me jump out. It scared me to death. It was dark out and it looked like the neighborhood had one to. Another one stroke, I pulled the covers over me and to make the sounds go away, but it didn't. It kept coming and coming. I started to cry. All the memories of that day came to me. I wanted it to go away. I wanted someone to tell be its okay but it there isn't anyone to help me. Fears came though my body one by one. I wanted it to stop!
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Nogla's Pov

As more thunder crash one by one, I started to get worried about Mini. He probably woke up by the first one that came. I think he won't be able to sleep with all the noise now. "Hey, let's go check on Craig, He's might be bored now." We all headed to his room until we stopped by a sound that we knew very well. We put out ear on the door and heard crying. Tyler opened the door revealing Mini, having a cover over him looking at us with his green eyes, tears streaming down. Another thunder came that made Mini yelp and hold the cover tighter, closing his eyes. He was scared... He was scared of thunder. I didn't know what to do. I froze were I was, and they were to. Next thing I know Evan walked over to Mini and put him onto his lap, next was Tyler hugging him trying to calm him down. I walked over to him and petted his head saying. "It's okay Mini. We're here. You don't have to worry." we got onto Mini's bed trying to calm him down. Evan was holding Mini around the waist while me and Tyler we're sitting next to him hugging Mini and Evan close. Another stroke but Mini didn't jump this time. He was falling asleep. He eye's started to fall. He snuggled close to Evan's chest to feel warm. Tyler fell asleep on Evan's shoulder. I guess were sleeping here tonight. Evan fell asleep laying on the frame. I was blushing that my arms are around the other guy's. I was so happy. I grabbed the other cover and put it over us since Mini has one wrapped around him like a baby. Next, I know thing I know, I started falling asleep on Mini's shoulder

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