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4 days later

Some of the guy's wanted to go to a local bar to drink. Mini didn't want to go because he was kind of underage and didn't want to risk getting taken by another guy also, he had to watch the bakery for the day. Last time he went was because they were at the section was there wasn't so much liquor. So, the guys who were old off to go to the bar to drink high was (oldest to youngest) Lui and Brock being 30, Jonathan being 27, Brian being 25, and Marcel being 24. The one's who didn't go were Evan, David, and Tyler being 22, and Mini being 20.

Nogla's pov

"This suck. I really hope they don't become those drunk guy's that you know, and with Brock what if-" I was cut off with Vanoss kissing my forehead saying, "Don't worry David, You heard what Moo Moo said before he left. He was going to be the one who doesn't drink much so he can the guy's back here and promised to not get laid, so don't worry your little head." I signed just thinking that. Why did Evan have to be older than me by 3 months? Even though, then I would be able to snuggle up in his chest. Next, I hear the door open and close which made me look behind the couch to see Mini walking with some frosting and crumbs all over him exhausted. "You look delicious Craig," Evan said grinning. Tyler started opening eyes from his nap and got up from my lap to see who was at the door. "Hey Mini, just got back?"

"Yea, I'm so tired from the bakery. Today, there was a lot of customers asking a certain type a dessert, cake, sweets, and so on." Mini let out a sign. I could tell Mini was all tired from running back and forth working his way making the ideal of people's type of desert. Craig sat down on a chair in the kitchen to relax a bit. Tyler got up from my lap and headed to the kitchen looking for something; he grabbed a towel and started wiping off some the frosting that was on his face. I got up, went behind Mini's chair and started giving him a massage because it looked like he needed it to relax a bit more. Mini started tense up but started to relax, laying back on the chair letting us help him. Evan started to cook up something he could eat because he knew Mini would skip lunch.

"Here mini, we all know you skipped lunch so eat up and don't faint on us from hunger," Evan said placing a plate down in front of him and giving a kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks Evan," Mini said happily and started to devour the food.

He really needs to stop skipping breakfast to. I sat back down on the couch with Tyler to let Craig eat in peace. A few minutes later I hear Evan yell, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" That caused Tyler and I to run in to the kitchen saying, "What's wrong?!"

"O sorry, I was shock because Craig wants to admit his feeling to the other guy's now," Evan said calmly.

"What?!" Me and Tyler yelled shock.

"I know its sudden guy's, but I want to tell them. I want to do this. I know it's big, but I want to tell them. I just want to know is they feel the same or not, it's hard keeping it inside and not to be able be with y'all even if the answer is not what we except but-" Mini said but was cut off by Tyler.

"Mini, baby, maybe I can. I don't mind it's just-" Tyler said but cut off by Mini now.

"I know I'm the youngest and smallest one out of all of us but I want to do something big. You made a big achievement in y'all lives but I want to be the one who admitted the feeling so i-" I cut off Mini by hugging him tight saying, "It's alright Mini you can, don't worry." Next Mini's phone started to vibrate. He took it out showing a picture of all of us hugging Brock with Tyler giving a kiss to his cheek. The screen name showed Moo Moo on the screen.

"Hello? ........Hey Brock, what happened?... O y'all are on the way....... Okay will be waiting." Mini hanged up and looked at us. "Let's fill up cups of water for the guy's because well you know." I agreed taking at least 6 water bottles and Evan filling the 5 cups that Mini put down. Another 10 minutes they all came walking through the door towards the kitchen. They sat down drinking up the water and saying thanks. Mini started taking deep breaths being scared.
"Hey umm guys?" Mini said looking down. They all looked up at Mini still kind of fuzzy.

Lui's pov

O men my head is so dizzy. I guess I shouldn't drink that much. I started finishing up my cup asking for another water bottle. Okay taking shots against Delirious, never do.

"Hey umm guys?"

I looked up to hear who was talking but still a little too drunk. It sounded like Mini, I guess. "What is it Mini?" Brian's voice....

"I want to say ummm........That I ummm." Mini started hesitating.

"Come on Mini," Marcel said impatiently from the alcohol.

"That I'm gay and that I umm like all of you," Mini finally said. I started bursting into laughter; I don't know why I was. "I can't believe you're gay!

"O my god this is priceless," Marcel said joining in.

"I can't believe I been playing with a gay faggot and I had the gay puns," said Delirious. I saw Mini started to tear up. O shit I don't what I'm saying this isn't me. O men I'm so fuzzy, I'm not controlling myself. I started drinking up the water. I guess we drank too much.

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way towards me," Mini said running out the house.

"CRAIG!" yelled Tyler, David, and Evan.

"Thanks a lot you guys," Evan said pissed.

"What yooooou talking about?" I tried saying.
"You made him cry! Mini is the youngest out of all of us and you shouldn't mess with his feelings. I can't believe we liked y'all," Tyler yelled more pissed. That got me more shock.

A second later they all heard a loud crash. "Thunder is coming," Evan said.

"O no. Mini is terrified of thunder!" Tyler said scared now.

"Come on! Let's find him before something bad happens to him," Nogla said grabbing Tyler's and Evan's hand, and left the house.

"Their right though. I hope your happy now." I looked at Brock getting up.

"I can't believe y'all did that. I get you guys are drunk and all but you become honest when drunk. Maybe not. To let y'all know, their gay to, and so am I. We all liked each other and even y'all, plus those four are my BOYFRIEND'S." He took his phone saying that then, "I got to go before something bad happens to them." He left the house with his phone on his ear.

I couldn't believe it. I started to feel the table vibrate. I looked to see the phone. It looked like Craig's. It said Moo Moo with them there. They were together. O men I have to get my mind straight. I went to the sink to wash off all over my face and throw water to the guy's. "O men I'm stupid guys. I'm gay to I don't know why I said those things I like all of y'all to and them, I have to make this right." I looked around and see that Wildcat, Evan, and Nogla left their phones to and Brock doesn't know where they went either. Dang it, why do I have to be so stupid? I just admitted to these guy's but not the one's I hurt.

"I'm coming to Lui. I feel the same to about them so come on before they get hurt." I looked behind with all of them up and ready to go. I guess they feel the same way to. We grabbed our jacket and umbrella because we knew none of them took one from the rain and thunder. We left the house and searched for the one's we hurt.

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