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Tyler Pov

I was with Nogla on the plane looking for our seats. I was really scared to head home with them. Evan went with Mini to the restroom to make sure no one takes him like at the bar. Pretty much Evan and Nogla are protective over us since Mini and I were the youngest. While I was thinking the possibilities how my parents could hate me for this Mini and Evan got on the plane which Nogla got up and waved at them. I wanted to sit next to the window and Mini to, so I sat with Evan and Mini sat with David. It was a win, win. Halfway there I looked out the window and started to space off. I was really scared what might happen when I tell them. Next thing I know, Evan was holding my hand saying, "It's alright Tyler. Plus, I could say don't be a wuss and let Mini be braver than you." He grinned. "Hell, no fucker, you know how too really to tick someone off." "Learned from you~," Now that I think about it. This week were planning to go all to our homes, telling our families about us, meaning we have to make a long ass video saying why we didn't make a video. And pretty much I wasn't ready to tell our fans we were a couple and I wasn't planning to. Next thing I know I was dozing off. I didn't get much sleep earlier because I was worried what can happen when we land in Indiana. "Go ahead Tyler. Get some rest. I'll wake you up when we get there." After that, I fell asleep. Hours later, "We have arrived at Indiana. Please do not forget any belongings behind." I got up picking up my backpack and the others heading out the plane. I was looking for my folks till. "Tyler!" I was hugged behind from my ex-girlfriend. "Hi Teresa." I kind of hated her. She cheated on me with 2 different guys so why wouldn't I? I thought she was the one before. I started to cut myself until the guys came through. All my friends cheered me up to get me pass that. That's when I realized I loved them like hell. Now I have the 3 I love and hoping to go out with the other 5 I love to. O shit I forgot about them, I looked at the 3 who seemed piss as hell. "Hi Tyler," I push her off making an excuse to hug my mom. "Hey mom, these are my friends. Their staying with me a couple of days." I moved to let her see. "Well hello I'm Tyler's mom," she said waving at them. "We're Tyler's YouTube. I'm Nogla, that's Vanoss, and Mini. " Next thing I know Teresa walks up to Nogla. As I was chatting away, my parents didn't know what Teresa was doing. "O my god you are so hot. You want to go out some time?" She smirked trying to get his attention. My parents don't know we broke up a year ago. Reason why I didn't tell them was because if was to cover up me being gay. They liked her and they liked her company. Better her making them happy even if it makes me miserable. Even If I yelled her before to stay away, she came back and pretended nothing happened and made my parents love her. "Sorry, I'm already going out with someone," Nogla tried saying. "Don't you think I'm better looking than your girlfriend?" She came closer to Nogla's face until I started, "Hey! Let's get going! We really are tired from the trip, so I wanted to talk to you and dad about something." "O sure Tyler. Let's start heading back." From the airport to the house, Teresa's been all over Nogla that made us pissed off. We were all at the living room waiting for my mom and dad make dinner. Next, Teresa came and sat next to me holding my arm the whole time being there. I looked down the whole time. "So how did Tyler meet you Teresa?" I looked to see that Evan asked that. "O me and Tyler use to date. We were madly in love." I started to form fist with both my hands while she kept talking. "We went everywhere. He loved each other like a lot. Sure, he's clumsy but he's my clumsy zebra. We have been dating each other for about 3 years. We would never cheat on each other." That's when I got really mad. "You fucking bitch!" They all looked me shock. "Why do you have to fucking lie? You fucking did cheat on me with 2 other guys'! You had fucking sex with them you slut! I heard you fucking talking to them saying you were using me and didn't give a damn for me! I was a fucking toy to you to get rid of when you used me! You broke me when I found out! I liked you so much and when I found out you didn't feel the same for me! My parents said all those things of us in the future and you didn't care! You even were flirting with Nogla! Are you going to use him to?! I never told them because they like you and the fact, I used that because I'm gay! You were the fucking reason why I cut myself!" I was tearing up. O shit. They looked at me shocked like they had no clue. I didn't tell them why I cut myself back then but now they knew. I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I felt so stupid. I'm back home now and I just made a huge mess. I can't face my parents now. I'm pretty sure they heard everything because I was obviously yelling most of it. I it's been 2 hours from me being cooped up in the room. I was starving since I didn't eat when we left from California. I wanted to go back downstairs but I didn't know how to face everyone, especially Evan, David, and Craig. I just stopped crying 15 minutes ago, but I still looked like a mess. I pulled the cover over me and faced the wall. Next thing I know, I felt a hand touch my shoulder which made me jerk off the other side of the bed. I got up to see 3 warm smiles. "Sorry I didn't expect to scare you," giggled mini. I was shocked to see them which made me ask, "H-How'd did y'all get in my room?" Evan raised his hand reviling a set of pair keys then said, "Your mom had a spare key to your room and gave it to us. Are you ok Tyler?" They all sat on the bed worried. "I'm fine really." Nogla grabbed my chin up saying, "You been crying a lot Tyler. You know you don't have to lie to us and why didn't you tell us she was the reason why?" I looked at them and started to cry yelling, "I'm sorry guy's it's just I didn't know how, and I forgot all about her when y'all came and cheered me up. I felt so happy until she came back and ruined it. I'm sorry guy's I-" I was cut off when they started to hug me. "It's ok Tyler we're here. Sorry we took long for us to realize it. " Mini gave me a bright cheerful smile. "Now sit up. I brought you food since you haven't eaten since we left. Now open up." I looked to see Nogla hold a fork in front of my month with some food, my stomach was growling, and he was right. I opened up and Nogla put the food in the mouth. It tasted good, soon after I finshed up the plate feeling relived. "Here's desert." Mini showed a small plate of food I never seen. "It's dessert, don't worry." I grabbed the fork sticking it in the desert then into my mouth. It tasted so good. All the flavors mixing up that gives you that feeling that one can give making you have that satisfactory of something that makes your heart race. "O my god this taste so fucking good!" I took another bite of it and it gets better. "Glad you like. You're the first one to taste the special desert my mom was talking about" I froze in place looking at mini who was smiling. "I wanted you to be the first since you feel bad, so I wanted to at least make you feel better eating this," Mini said. "Tyler you don't have to worry. We would never cheat on you. We love you no matter what and you know that okay, plus even if that girl was flirting at me. I never would pick her over y'all," Nogla said. Evan joined in saying "Yea Tyler. We love you no matter what." I started to tear up again. They really cared for me. "Well I guess it's time for me to get out of this room and tell my parents about us." I looked up to the when they looked away. I was puzzled at their reaction. "We kind of told them ourselves...." I was shock! They told them! How am I going to- "When you ran to your room we wanted to go after you, but your parents said you need time for yourself. We didn't want things to get worse, so we listened. We sat back down on the couch away from Teresa, but she just came closer to Nogla," Evan said softly. I was about to be pissed off until. "Then your parents told Teresa to leave. She asked why and they gave her a piece of their minds. They were pissed. Your dad was the one who called her out. They had no idea, but they should have known how distant y'all were. He wondered why you were distancing yourself from them when she came. He even called her a slut to. When she left, they talked to us. They knew we were in a relationship because how we reacted and how close we were to you. For the past 2 hours they asked us questions. At the end, they shocked us when they accepted us. We were shock at first but when we told her there was 8 of us who were able to stop cutting yourself and made you happy and loved. They were pleased, well first they were disgusted they found out you were gay but when we told them the whole story. They found out themselves why you were, so their happy if your happy wildcat," Nogla said smiling. I couldn't believe it. My parents are strict, and I can't believe they accepted them. I started to tear up again. "O no Tyler, why are you crying?" Mini touched my cheek. "I'm just so happy to have you guys." I was pleased. "O yea. Your parents said we can sleep with you and start packing. They also know your moving in with Mini, but you just have to promise to come visit them, and they'll make sure Teresa doesn't come." I jumped up to them and hugged them tight yelling, "I love you guys!" They hugged back tightly then David started to whine. "What's wrong Nogla?" Evan asked him. "I wanted some of the dessert." I felt bad because I knew how much he wanted to have Craig's special snack. I grabbed the fork with some on and brought it up to his face. He was very pleased, so he opened his mouth until I shoved it into mine. "You jerk Wildcat!" I laughed then pressed my lips to Nogla pushing the desert into his mouth. I let go for him to eat it which really pleased him. "Taste good." After that he yawned which made us laugh. "Come on sleepy heads. Time to sleep," Evan said kissing my forehead since I was hurt today. We all positioned ourselves where we felt comfortable on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. 

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