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Nogla's Pov.

I still can't believe we all got into a fight. I mean they had no right to tell us off like that. But I feel bad about just running out and they're looking for us. When we stopped at the red light, I can see bags under their eye's. I guess they didn't sleep all night. Unfortunately, they didn't know where Mini's parents live so we were good but just seeing them hurt. I want one of them to hold me. O shit I'm crying. After a moment I felt something warm in my hand. I looked at Tyler who was crying a little too but gave me still a warm smile. Guess he knows what I was thinking. I smiled back then looked out the window. Another couple hour's till we land in Canada. I guess we'll be gone for the week or two to get the results. I hope it's nothing bad with us, especially Mini, he's so young and still has a life to live. I rather be sick and take the side effects than see my lovers hurt and sick. I looked back at tired and see him sleepy. I placed his head on my shoulder and kissed his forehead telling his to go to sleep and he gladly did. When he was sleeping, I wiped the dry tears that were on his face. To be honest I was scared but worried also. We'll be gone for a while without warning the others. After thinking so much I fell asleep.

3 hours later

I woke up from being shook. I opened my eyes to see a pair of blue eyes.

"Come on David were here," Craig said smiling. I got up from my seat and headed out the plane with them right behind Evan. We walked to the plane waiting for Matthew since we didn't have no phone to call. We sat down on a bench that was right outside and sat their cold because unfortunately, we forgot it's cold here. We huddled up together close using each other for heat. About 20 minutes we saw a limo pop up.

"I am terribly sorry Evan. I was delayed by some traffic heading here," Matthew said feeling bad knowing he left us freezing more than expected.

"It's fine. I know in this time there was going to be. Come on guy's," Evan said grabbing out hands and going in the Limo. Matthew turned the heating system and drove off.

About another 40 minutes we made it back to Evan's place. We went straight to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and head to Evan's room. When we made it, we saw cups filled with brown liquid and white puffs inside with a note next to it and some clothes. Evan grabbed it and read it out loud for us to hear. "Hey boys and Evan. Dad told me some details of your situation and not fully so know Evan here he would forget to tell y'all to bring some sweater so I made you guys some hot coco since I know that's the first place you'll head to. I put some extra blankets in your room Evan since you are freezing your toes off. I'll be staying with Greg tonight, so I'll see y'all tomorrow. I'll be at the hospital early so Greg will stop by to pick y'all up and he forgot some work dad gave him at home so, See ya tomorrow also these are y'alls clothes

- Lynn

"Well that's thoughtful," Craig said smiling. We grabbed the coco's and headed to Evans room.

I laid next to Craig who was cuddling me a little cozy since he was so cold. I touch his head and instantly removed moved it. "Evan!" Evan came running in with some blankets that his sister left with Tyler next to him. I got Evans hand and placed it on Craig's head. He immediately took it away. "Shit," Evan said getting up telling Tyler to find the thermometer that was in the restroom then leaving the room. After a couple of minutes, he came back with a bowl of water and a towel placing it to the desk next to the bed. Evan wetted the towel then folded it placing on Craig's head. Craig began coughing. This was bad. We were scared thinking this was some side effect of the reason of something wrong with us. Craig had a fever and a cold. It's rare for some people to catch it. Tyler came back with the thermometer. "About time you took years." I tried to lighten up the mood, but Tyler just shot daggers at me. Evan placed to place it Craig's mouth, but he wouldn't open up. He needed to know his temperature to see how bad it was. I kissed Craig cheek and saying, "Come on Craig you can do it. We need to know what your temperature is. Open your mouth so Evan can put the thermometer then you can close your mouth." I tried to encourage him to. Craig slowly opened his mouth and Evan put it in fast but not too fast to stab Craig's mouth. Craig closed it.

"I'm going to make us something to eat and something Craig can eat that can help his fever and cold. When it beeps write down the temperature, so we know what to buy for Craig to take some medicine," Evan said. Tyler and I shook our heads then Evan left. I moved some of Craig's hair away from his face. His nose was starting to turn pink. I felt bad for the little guy. Tyler grabbed his towel and wet it up again. He coughed again so we had to start the thermometer over again. He needed to at least stay for a minute to let the thermometer catch his temperature. Tyler placed the towel back on his forehead and kissed his nose. I can tell Tyler felt bad for Craig. I kissed Tyler lips to tell him it was okay. Craig want to kiss Tyler to tell him it was fine, but he couldn't sit up. I guess his muscles started hurt. That what happens when you have a cold. Next, we heard the beep. We knew it was the thermometer. I took it away from his mouth and kissed his lips will quick to say rest a bit and Tyler did the same thing. I checked the temperature and it was so high. I wrote it down will quick knowing we are going to need some medicine now. Craig coughed again and sneezing. He tried to breath, but it looked like his nose was stuffed. Tyler got up and walked to the restroom grabbing a box of tissue's he opened it giving one to Craig. Craig blew his nose. I know I felt bad for Craig, but he looked cute with a slight blush on his cheeks. I played with Craig's hair again to let him know I'm here. Tyler held Craig's hand to show he's here to. 30 minutes later Evan came back with the soup and sat down on the bed. Tyler helped Craig up. As Craig sat up Evan pulled up a spoon of soup blowing it to make it cool. "Open your mouth Mini," I said. He did. We finally finished up and laid back down. I laid next to him. Evan set the bowl aside sat next to Craig the opposite side of me. Tyler changed the towel again and then laid on Evan to fall asleep. I held Craig next to me giving him a kiss on the forehead then also drifted off to sleep.

Morning came. I got up from my position being careful with Mini. I placed his forehead, but it seemed what we did yesterday was no good. It felt a like the fever went down. I should cheek it again when he wakes up. It was 100.5 degrees. I woke up Evan so we could go to the store and buy medicine for Craig. He blinked his eyes open to see me. I placed my finger in front of my lips making a shush sound. I left a note for Tyler to let him know will be going to the store to buy some medicine. I got up with Evan and left the room.

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