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7 months later

Craig's pov.

After being together for months we enjoy each other's company. But the bad news is that me, Tyler, Nogla, and Evan has been eating a lot lately, but the others don't mind and we kind of have been throwing up to almost a lot to. We still record but our fans still don't know about us so we're good. It was 10:00 p.m and I was craving for some cookie's, but we didn't have any. I looked in the cabinet's but didn't find any. I gave up until I went to the living room seeing Nogla having the cookies. I sat next to him making him offer some cookies and I happily took some. Unfortunately, we have been eating a lot and craving the 4 of us for the past 6 months. We didn't know why but we didn't care. Evan joined us having a container of Ice cream we bought 2 days ago then Tyler showed up with some pancakes with a lot of syrup.

"And you blamed Evan about his Canadian addiction," David said making us laugh.

"Don't blame me! I'm craving for some! Thanks a lot Evan!" Tyler said sarcastically.

"Your welcome," Evan said leaving a kiss on his cheek. We all laughed again. We finished the snacks we had then Lui, Brock, Jonathan, Brian, and Marcel came in the living room.

"Guy's, we think you're eating too much and we're worried about your health." Lui said.

"What do you mean?" David said scared now.

"What he's saying is that you 4 are eating too much and we notice you guys are um showing belly and we're scared something may be wrong with y'all and we want to take to the doctor," Brian said.

"So, you're saying y'all don't like us we just have a couple pounds and we're fat that's it? Huh?" Tyler said hurt.

"It's not that it's just..."Marcel tried saying.

"Y'all are getting really lazy and now the 5 of us has been doing all the work while your butts are sitting around doing nothing except when we record with the whole gang," Brock said. I was shocked to hear that from Brock. And he was the reasonable one. But that made me mad.

"You jerk's! How could you! You said you didn't care how we looked but y'all loved our personality!" I said crying now. Brain went to hold me, but I stepped away from him and went to David holding his hand.

"You liars," Evan said grabbing Tyler's hand and David's dragging me to running out the house. We ran all the way to the bakery my family runs. I took the lead knocking on the door hoping my parents haven't left. I looked inside from the windows and saw it was dark. I frowned and also the others. When we were about to do down steps the door opened revealing my mom. She saw me with some dried tears.

"O no what happened sweetie? O you boy's look awful!" My mom said closing and locking the bakery.

"Mom can we stay with you for tonight," I asked her, trying to wipe the dry tears I have on my face.

"O no don't tell me y'all got into a fight. I guess it was going to happen in relationships, of course you can. Come, the car is right over here," she said leading us to it.

After 15-20 minutes we were there. We sat in the living room while my mom gave us some warm milk and cookies. We ate them feeling a little tired. I told her were going to sleep now. I took them to my old room that looked the same how I left it before I moved out. I laid in my bed letting the other 3 join me. I laid inside David who hugged me till I feel asleep and Evan doing the same to Tyler. I don't think we can face the older one's tomorrow from that fight.

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