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2 days later

Tyler's pov.

Men I feel so weak, what happened? I heard voices, who's though?

"So, their okay to, right?

"Don't worry they should wake up soon to."

It sounded like Evan and Marcel. I peeked my eyes open to see that I was on a hospital bed. "Tyler!"

I turned to see that Nogla jumped on me hugging me tight. I realized that every single one of us was here. I looked to my left seeing Mini there. It hurt me seeing him there, luckily his eyes started opening. "Huh?"

"You okay, Mini?" Marcel said sitting down on his bed about to pet him until Craig smacked his hand away.

"Craig, we know why you don't want us near you after what we done but you don't understand," Brian said

"Why are we in a hospital," Craig asked kind of scared.

"That's also the part you don't know off. Let's start at the beginning right after you left Craig." Brock started it when I, David, and Vanoss blurted out in rage and left after him, also saying what he told the guys about our feeling/relationship until he got to the part when he saw us in the ally. Marcel started to saw his point when Brock left the house saying they had the same fleeing towards us to then they were looking for us until they saw us in the ally. Brian and Jonathan explained what happened between the fight, how Lui protected us the most getting more hurt and all the injuries they each got that got to the part where they passed out. I was in total shock! They did that for us. I was crying hard and Mini to.

"I'm so sorry. I-it's my fault I-I should have not l-left and n-none o-of this w-would happen," Craig said trying to wipe his tears. Brian got up from his bed with all bandages around him walking towards Mini and hugging him saying, "This is not your fault. We were drunk and let that happen. We're glad that all of you are safe, we care about y'all more then we care of our health. So, don't blame yourself." I looked at them all bandage up and hurt. It made me feel worse inside.

"Where's Lui?" Evan asked looking around. I looked at the older men looking for an answer. Brock, Jonathan, and Brian we're shaking, searching for an answer.

"Lui was injured the most and lost a lot of blood with fractures included." Marcel broke into tears now. They made me gasped. "The doctors came saying there's a chance that he won't make it," Brock said holding his fist. That's when Mini started crying more with Brian holding him still with Jonathan there to. Nogla was holding me tight seeing me crying hard as well. I was scared now, what if Lui die's.......would it be our fault?

"What about those men?" I looked at Evan who also had bolded fist and tears' coming down but eye's shut closed.

"They have all the men except one. There searching for the last guy but want the 4 of you guy's tell your side of the story how it went so they can take him to jail proven guilty." I shake my head on agreeing, with that a doctor comes in with 3 nurses, checking up on us seeing if we were okay. An hour later, 2 detectives come's in asking us question on what happened. We told them our point at the beginning to the ally, even the part when they put some substance inside us. That's when the others started freaking out. They wrote it down writing every detail possible at the end they said one last thing before going.

"I believe these are one of y'alls," One detective saying pulling out broken pieces of glasses.

"Our glasses, I guess they broke between the fight," I looked putting my hand on my face knowing that it was mine and Mini's glasses. Soon later they left to find the last guy and questioning the man. We're forced to stay in the hospital for another day to make sure what they put in us doesn't get worse.

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David's pov

After our checkup, Craig, Tyler, Evan, and I were good to go, the others had to stay another couple of days because their injuries. We visited them feeling sorry letting that happen. But at the end we accepted each other love and now going out, but the bad part is... Will Lui be with us. I'm scared. The doctors say if he doesn't wake up between the 3 week that his injury should be healed, they're going to pull his plug, that got me more scared, but luckily after 2 weeks of waiting he finally woke up.


"LUI!" we all jumped on him hugging tight being so relived he was awake. "OW!!!!!!" We all jumped of remembering he was hurt.

"Where am I?" Lui asked looking around. We explained everything that happened from the fight to the hospital. Mini went to hug Lui tight but that that tight to hurt him. "I am so sorry it was all my fault that you got hurt and that I was stupid to-" Craig was cut off by Lui kissing his lips and backing away saying, "It's not Mini. I'm glad that y'all are okay and I'm happy to see y'all faces, you assholes." We smiled being pleased.

"I know it's a bad time to ask but Mini, why would you tell us that you well I mean y'all like us?" Marcel asked. We all looked at Mini for an answer.

"I thought it was a smart idea since you guys were drunk. I can ask since y'all won't remember. I asked because the alcohol, but that didn't go as plan..." Craig said rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't worry Craig we still love you," Brian said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I know it's not my place to ask Mini but... Why are you scared of thunder?" Mini looked at Lui then looked down. He took a deep breath.

"You guys have a right. I didn't tell Tyler, Davide, Brock, or Evan this. I.... was almost raped with my ex. He...... I remember the thunder roaring and it gave me jumps and he held me down and everything. He tore my clothes off but luckily. I escaped and I was shaking with fear. The weather wasn't in my favor. I was in the streets naked and dirty. I was able to find my way home but I was crying and throbbing. The things he told me and did. He wasn't to do it fully since I had that one second of courage and fought back an escaped. A lot happened after that." Lui pulled him into a hug. We did a group hug. We smiled as he smiled to.

"I love you guys," Mini said.

"I guess were a thing then huh?" Delirious asked trying to release the tension and it worked.

"I guess we are, having more than wouldn't hurt since we all like each other but I suggest we don't tell our fans quite yet though," Brock said which we all agreed.

"Wait if I'm right it's been like a..... MONTH?! Holy shit what am I going to say to my subscribers; since I haven't posted any video." Lui was scared now. I walked over to him and kiss his cheek saying, "Don't worry. Some of us put up vlogs saying that our personal life had problems ending us in the hospital healing so we told them it may take weeks until we post our next video, but we didn't tell them why we were in the hospital so they understood giving us commits saying get better, we can wait, and so on." That made Lui relax.

"I am sorry but visiting hours are over. O Mr. Calibre you're up. I'll get the doctor's right now to if you're okay," the nurse said leaving. We were saying our goodbye's to Lui giving him kisses on the cheek and lip.

"Now I can sleep since Lui is awake," Evan said stretching his arms.

"We all can. Let's go home and get some sleep. We can wake up early to go see him," Jonathan said happy.

"Sure thing Delly, I'll drive so get in," Brock said getting in the driver seat. With that we went home.

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