Chapter 17:

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In my office room, I start to answer calls and make some paper arrangement, I'm basically doing my work to earn a living. It's a skimpy heartbreaker that Gracie is actually having fun with her day-off with a date with the new C.E.O. I'm sure they'll work-out together as Reniel is such a good person.

I hate this bellicose feeling of someone staring at me blankly is annoying my nerves, comfort, and, instincts while I'm doing my work. What the hell is this? Is this what an office date means? Dranel is sitting at Gracie's chair and he's literally at the far-end and middle-front of my peripheral vision.

"Sir... I find you annoying," I say.

"Sorry..." he says again. He's been saying that to me over and over again. What a redundant music player.

"I'm fine... really, what are you even doing here?" I ask then the telephone rings so quickly that I answer it, "This is Alexandria Verano, what can I do for you?"

"Sorry..." the caller says and I take a look at Dranel and now his phone is at his ear. "Sorry... please can you forgive me?"

"I already forgive you so please stop, saying sorry again and again. Mister Dranel." I say and bring down the phone nicely.

He then seems to be fidgeting his phone and he's trying to call someone. I continue my work by signing some needed papers in the company.

"Hello, Can I excuse Alexandria Verano in her work. I'll pay for her this day, I hope I can bring her to the mall, this lunch and onwards." He talks to his phone. He pauses for a beat, "Really, good thanks..."

"You hear that! We can go to the mall! I can now date you!" He says as he tries to cheer me up.

"Sir... please don't interfere with my job. It's my etiquette that my personal life shall not co-exist with my work," I say to him as I feel like I'm floating in outer space.

The elevator then rings and Ramil his driver goes to my office and says, "Sir here are the clothes that you want me to buy..."

"Good, now bring it to Alexa..." he orders.

Ramil then goes to me and I accept it, and I say to Dranel, "I'm going to pay for this..."

"No you're not. That's my gift of apology."

"I haven't signed your hilarious treaty, Sir. And is this the way on how you ask for apology, you're giving gifts?" I say while shaking my head for the assurance of his answer.

He smirks at first and continues, "Yes."

I shake my head his answer is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. He could've have been just forget about it, try to convince me in a cuter way, and or even letters.

What? Why am I even! Asking for those things...

I look at the office wall clock that says it's already eleven-thirty and it's lunch time. I push the button that will inhibit calls for the next sixteen hours. I'm sure that I cannot deny his offer of inviting me to the mall because he's too persistent! Denying him will certainly end-up to a lot of gifts every day by mail or personally.

"I'm going to change and don't you dare take a sneak peak," I warn as I go towards the bathroom at the pantry with my purse.

When I'm finish removing my caffeine stained clothing. I start to wear this backless pastel pink rose colored dress that is cottony, silky smooth, and that fits just right when I look at the mirror the dress comes with a small ribbon design on my sternum.

I look great in pink! I like it!

How did he know my size? Everything seems fitted well.

I then get my celestial pure white handkerchief inside my pocket and use it as a head band on my head by tying it to back of my cranium. I look like someone who time travel back in the 90's. Holy and cute is theme of my O.O.T.D. today.

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