Chapter 6:

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"PNA, Tower... we're landing over..." I inform.

As we hover down the helipad of Johnsen Enterprises. I can again see Hanato waving his arms waving high and up again. I can also see our retiring C.E.O. waiting handsomely even his hairdo is getting ruin by the tempest of hot air.

Hanato opens the back door while Gracie and I are on our own. Everyone makes an outstanding exist.

As we stand behind Dranel Arthurs and Droy. Our C.E.O. greets them, "It's a pleasure to meet you Dranel!"

"It's nice to meet you again, Mister Johnsen..." Dranel greets as they make a notable handshake together.

Everyone that has a lower authority vows in respects. Dranel continues," Please meet my friend Droy..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir..."Droy greets politely as he give his hand for a shake.

"I think I already saw you?" Our C.E.O. clarifies.

"It might be perhaps my twin, Sir..." Droy says.

"How about my cool secretaries, what can you say to them?" Our C.E.O. brags about us.

"Elegant and awesome Sir," Dranel says.

"I knew it!" Our C.E.O. says happily and gives off a chuckle. He then invites him inside, "Let's have a talk at my office Mister Dranel..."

As they make their way and Hanato opens the door for them. We low rankers vows at them.

"Ladies you're on a leave, please have a rest. Be prepared for the party later at night..." Our C.E.O. informs before they vanish in our sight.

"Hey, any stories for me?" Hanato says as we with Droy go towards the same door where the Chief Executive Officer and Dranel entered.

"Well, Alexa got prank hysterically at the cruise ship..." Gracie says to me as she makes a funny laugh and expression.

"I thought I was not a virgin anymore!" I say.

"You are?" Hanato asks weirdly.

"Ops... someone got slipped," Gracie murmurs to me as her left brow rises up and her eyes widens and signaling her iris to the left a lot.

"Hey... can I join the conversation..." Droy says coming from the left side with a smile. He then go towards Hanato and gives him a handshake.

"What's your connection with Dranel anyway?" I ask and every one of us heads to our office.

Seeing Dranel and the C.E.O. about enter at the grand room to talk deeply but when I meet Dranel's weird eye color he surprises me with a two brow a lift and a smirk and the black orchid door closes.

Is he interested to me or what?

"He's my best friend as I said, Also I'm some sort of his butler to know his doings to be reported to his father before I continue my study..." he validly reasons.

"How about we give your twin a visit?" Gracie suggests.

"Oh really, that will be great!" Droy says in exasperation and I can see it in his sparkling eyes.

"Let's go then..." I say as I want to see a mirror-image reunion of manly-hunky guys.

We hop into the elevator and I push the letter 'G' button while Gracie keeps on telling stories about what happen at the cruise with Droy. We're having some friendship goals with our own smidgeon of happy-laughing atmosphere we created.

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