Chapter 7:

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Gracie's phone rings and she answers it, "Oh Hanato, We're at my room. So we already need to go? Okay. Okay," She then ends it quickly she then says to me, "Hanato can't go upstairs to escort us, we need to go."

"I'll stay here..." I say and the real reason behind is I want to have a look at my crush, maybe I can coincidentally see him. Watching him makes me go 'kilig' in butterflies, estrogen, and lust.

"What?" She says.

"I mean... I just wanted to stay here for a while, Go on... I'll catch up." I say.

"Fine..." She then leaves the room.

I shake my head. Why do I feel being threatened? I firstly takes a bottle of water from the fridge and drinks it. It made me somewhat comfortable. Secondly, I can't stop thinking about Dranel. Are we speared already by an arrow of cupid? Maybe just me...

Love is weird. Sometimes you'll just realized you're already in love.

Lastly as I shake away my manifestation of great desires, I go out, and once I'm about to close the door someone snaps my name, "Alexa!"

"Hey, Droy..." I murmur.

"You're looking weird since then, Don't worry I'll protect you," he declares.

"Thanks," I say with a faint smile. I then compliment him, "Hey! Look out that outfit!"

I observe him wearing a black leather army boots, oversized white jeans, and a black shirt then coated by an oversized navy blue coat, and his hair combed straight with a bangs to the left.

"Like it? It's kin'da simple though..." He says as he scratches the back of his head amply.

"Nothing beats simplicity, remember that!" I say happily.

As we stroll towards the open and empty elevator. We keep on chattering and conversing lively. We does he makes me comfortable all of the sudden? Maybe it is his pheromones that are dictating it all.

We head on towards the Fiesta Pavilion. The great doors we're guarded by black bouncers wearing a suit and a black shades that brings out an anointing authority. They are bloodcurdling!

"Sir Droy! What a beautiful date you have," One of the nearest doorkeeper says.

Droy smiles, "No... we're just friends," he then winks at the guard.

"Open the door!" the doorkeeper commands.

As the two guards open the huge crimson dual door, leathery citronella and luxury vanilla greets me as the cool air gushes out in front of me. So does the old loud uproar of contemporary music who pioneered the new generation of today's craft of to be listened art.

We walk in and I can find sophisticated glassware in prism with the white light. Everything is in a gold and white luster. There are silver seats in a round table covered by creamy-pastel table cloth and on top the utensils are formally displayed with a vase full of arranged palm-sized white moth orchids. The ceiling is architecturally high and simple with rounds of big white lighten circles to impress us.

Everyone that is wearing mostly suit and ties inspired with the given theme keeps on muttering in their own conversation while Droy and I head off to the front rows of tables to find Gracie and Hanato.

"There they are..." Droy informs me and he leads me the way.

"Hey... look at the two lovebirds," Gracie teases as Droy helps me sit in a gentleman way

There is still another extra available chair besides my left. A waiter then comes and puts some red wine on our glasses. Another set of waiters puts some fresh and mouth watering finger-foods.

Deflower (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora