The Carmella Queen

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It was a long day after that. Miss Miyako's words were drowned out by your inattentiveness and you kept your head rested on your arms. Your eyes were dead and unfocused, and despite your quiet demeanour, everyone in the room could feel your gloomy atmosphere. You let out a long sigh once the final bell had rung, and finally your friends turned their gazes towards you.

"What's up with Y/n?" Alejo piped up as he nudged his friend Kennedy in the side. The young boy shrugged his shoulders while Abercrombie let out a rough huff.

"She's a girl, there's always something to be dramatic about when it comes to them." He abruptly stated. Astro's eyes widened and he turned towards him in surprise.


"Of course not!" Alejo shot back. He then crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. "That stage comes later in life." Astro furrowed his brows with worry and he turned his head towards you.

All of the chatter in the classroom died down as Miss Miyako returned to the room with a remote in hand. He then turned towards the board and the board lit up with life, revealing a tv screen. The young and bright teacher then turned towards your group and she smiled.

"I think you all might want to see this." She stated. Your friends' faces lit up with excitement and they rushed over to the tv. Astro looked up at the screen and his eyes widened as O'shay appeared on television, seemingly talking about the robot awards. Suddenly, a bright flash appeared at his right, almost blinding him.

"Hey!" Astro complained and he hurriedly shielded his eyes. You lazily looked over to the side and you saw a group of reporters standing at the doorway with high quality cameras in their hands. The reporter gave him a sheepish smile and he brightened.

"Congratulations Astro!" Soon realising that they were on TV, Abercrombie and Alejo waved to the camera with grinning faces whilst Kennedy and your teacher stood to the side, completely overtaken by their sudden appearance. "Tell the folks at home how you feel to be nominated for the robot of the year award."

Astro's eyes widened in astonishment and his cheeks glowed with warmth.

"Huh? I was?" Everyone laughed and they began to pat him on the back.

"Yes, Astro is number one!" Alejo exclaimed and he threw a finger to the air. Abercrombie gave Astro a slap across the back while the rest of your friends cheered him on. The reporter held the microphone to Astro and he nodded encouragingly to him.

"Well Astro? What do you say?" Astro looked at the microphone and thought for a moment.

"Uh, it's an honour just to be nominated." You watched on as the reporter continued to hammer Astro with questions. 'Oh, that's right... He'll be boarding that air ship.' The reporters quickly finished up with Astro's interview and eventually, they finally left. You then watched Astro intently as he began to gather his things.

Just as he was packing his pencil case away, he then caught wind of your intent staring and he eyed you curiously.

"Is there something on my face?" He spoke. You were snapped out of your thoughts and you held your breath. You then ferociously shook your head and you gave him a lopsided smile.

"Only your face. Uh, hey, congratulations on being a nominee, Astro." Astro smiled at you.

"Thanks! Can't you believe it? Apparently there's going to be a ceremony on an airship!" He excitedly exclaimed. You nodded your head.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome." You then dragged your gaze towards the window and you fell into deep thought. Astro poked around you with his hands constantly fiddling with each other as you sat in silence.

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