When she opened the door, she heard voices coming from the kitchen. The lights are still on. Her maids are still up and she didn't really want to be seen right now so she decided to go once they're gone. She was about to close the door when she heard what they were talking about.

"You're a fool if you believe that the prince really love that bitch. He's just using her for free sex."

"I think you're wrong. His royal highness loves her. Who wouldn't? She's a great woman and she's so gorgeous!"

"Gorgeous?! Her eyes are huge and she has really long legs and neck, she looks like a kangaroo!"

"What?! You're just jealous because you're far from gorgeous!"

"I have nothing to be jealous about, she's living a life full of lies and that sucks! I just like Lady Isabella for the prince. She's more fit to be with him. She doesn't have to lie to be with him because she's born with a title."

"But the prince does not love her. You can't do anything about that so you better shut up. Miss Mona doesn't deserve that! She's really nice to all of us. She's a good person."

"A good person does not agree to be paid to pretend to be someone she's not! She's just putting the prince in a bad position. The public wouldn't approve of her."

"You don't know that..."

Mona couldn't take it anymore. She lost her control maybe because she is hurting so bad and she just found out that even the maids knew about the contract. She got furious with Hanna for not keeping it a secret. Without thinking, she stormed to the kitchen. When the maids saw her, they froze except for one who have an arrogant smile plastered all over her face.

"You...what's your name?" Mona asked angrily.

"Charina...why?" The maid answered before rolling her eyes.

"Pack your stuff and leave right now. You're fired!" Mona yelled. She didn't know what came to her but she just ran out of patience with the woman. She has been receiving this bad attitude from her since day 1 and she snapped just now.

Charina froze for a moment then her arrogance came back again.

"You can't fire me. You're not the one who hired me and most of all, you're not the one paying me!" She arrogantly said.

"Oh yeah? Watch me!" Mona said in gritted teeth before calling her security. Francis came right away and grabbed Charina before she could hurt Mona. She was about to grab Mona's hair but Francis was faster.

"You...gold digger bitch! You're going to pay for this! I will ruin you! You hear me?! I will ruin you!" Charina screamed.

"Like I care." Mona murmured before walking towards the fridge to get some water.

"What's going on in here?" Dane asked. The noise woke her up and wondered what's happening.

"Nothing eventful." Mona coldly said before going back to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Dane turned to Jane and Mary, waiting for them to answer her instead.

"She heard Charina saying some bad stuff about her so she fired her and Charina got angry." Jane answered politely.

Dane could not believe what Mona did. She knew her and she never saw her get mad like that to anyone even to the people who do bad things towards her. The Mona she knew was always kind, understanding and considerate. She barely gets mad. This just confirmed her suspicion that something really bad happened during the trip. When she didn't see Harry dropping her off earlier and with the state she was in, she had suspicions already. There's no doubt she's going through something really painful right now. I need to find out what happened. She thought.

Dane went back to her room and decided to call Donald. She needs to find out what happened and she is 100% sure that Donald knows about it.

"Hey...missed me already? Donald answered sleepily. Dane's call woke him up.

"No...maybe...eerrr whatever! I need to ask you something."

"You know, you can be honest about how you feel. It's obvious that you miss me."

"Stop it Donald! This is not about us. Tell me what happened between Harry and Mona."

"What do you mean?"

"Mona came home earlier looking like a dead person! Where's Harry?"

"Oh God. Mona is back?"

"You didn't know anything?"

"No..or I might."

"What?! You're talking nonsense."

"I will get back to you Dane. Let me confirm this. I need to make some calls. I will call you back, alright?"

"Alright. I'll wait for your call."

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