Sousuke Yamazaki x Reader

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Hello lovelies! Here I am with another one shot! Thought I would give this plot a try. Let me know if you guys want more stories like this then let me know, I'll make some more like this one. This is obviously going to be an AU, but only by a couple years.

PSA- I do actually like Seijuro, but I needed an antagonist. Please don't hate. Also I need flippin flappin requests guys. I'm desperate at this point. I will do anything for requests... ANYTHING PLEASE!!! *cough* *cough* ahem. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story!


Normal POV

(Y/N) and her brand new fiancée Sousuke work together at A1 Advertising. Sousuke was, of course, the CEO of this company. (Y/N) being the wonderful girlfriend and fiancée that she is, was his secretary. It had been a normal day like any other. They arrived at work in their shared car, and both went to the elevator. Sousuke had his office on the 56th floor of the building, only sharing this level with (Y/N) and the assistant CEO of the company, Makoto Tachibana and his secretary and fiancée Haruka Nanase (sue me I ship it).

Throughout the day, the normal phone calls, reports filing and the secret kisses took place. Nothing stood out ad different from their everyday routine. Until of course, (Y/N) left to go get lunch for her and Sousuke.

Your POV

You had just left the building to go get me and Sousuke lunch. You knew that he was having a stressful day, so you wanted to get his favorite. Sushi. You may not like it that much, but he loves it, so you always get yourself something else.

You arrived at the take out place and began to place my order. You stood waiting for it to be made, when a familiar voice called to me from behind.

"(Y/N)! Is that really you!? God i've missed you so much! How has my gumdrop been?" You went rigid at the voice. It was an all too clingy old ex of mine, Seijuro. You plastered on a fake smile and turned to him. "Oh... Seijuro. I didn't see you there, heh.." You said. You could feel a sweat drop forming on your temple. You didn't want to deal with him, so you made sure to scratch your head with your ring visible.

You could see him visibly flinch when he saw it. "Oh, you marry that jack ass that too you away from me did you?" You could see him getting madder by the second. You sighed, "Seijuro please. Not in public. And Sousuke is not a jack ass. I love him." You said, slowly becoming more irritated.

"You dont want to deal with this in public, fine. Lets do this in private." He growled. Coming up to you quickly, he grabbed you violently and held you firmly against him, a gun drawn and pointed at the accumulated audience. You began to cry as he held you tighter and yelled at the people around you two.

"No body move! Anyone that takes a step forward gets a bullet in them. you, take out your phone." he demanded at a shaking women in his sight. She nodded shakily and took out her phone and went to hand it to him. "I want you to dial this number... (614) 991-4104.... Yess.. And put it on speaker.

You shook in his grasp. That was Sousuke's number. How he got it. you had no idea. You squeezed your eyes shut as the man you loved answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Sousuke Yamazaki with A1 Advertising, how can I help you ?" You quivered as Seijuro let out a dak chuckle. "Oh Sous... How nice of you to answer your phone when I call."
You could hear Sousuke drop what was in his hands. "What do you want you fucking bastard? I thought I told you to leave us alone." Sousuke growled through the phone.

Seijuro laughed again, a wicked grin across his face. "Oh Sous... I dont think that your pretty little wife would like to hear you use such language. Isn't that right (Y/N)?" You let out a cry as he punctuated his sentence with a rough tug on your (h/c) hair. A gasp sounded over the phone.
"What the fuck did you do to her!? (Y/n) my princess, im so sorry. Dammit Seijuro, leave her out of this!" He yelled. You could hear him getting out of his chair and sprinting to the elevator.

Seijuro growled and with venom in his voice responded. "She always belonged to me... She was never your princess. She never will be. I suggest you find someone else to live out your damn fairy tale with, because you will never see (y/n) again." At this you cried harder, letting your voice free. "Sousuke!!! Please h-help mee" you cried as loud as you could, hiccuping at the words as they fell out of your mouth.

Seijuro looked down at you and slapped you across the face. Hard. The sound resonated throughout the restaurant as people all around you stares in horror at what they were witnessing.

"DAMMIT SEIJURO I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER AGAIN! (Y/n), please listen to me baby. Im coming for you sweet heart. Hang in there, I swear ill save you.." Your heart broke as you heard him say this in between sobs.

Seijuro only laughed with a crazed look in his eye. "That is, if you can find us, little butterfly*."

With that, he hung up the phone.

To be continued(?)

Yo yo yo. As you can see, this is unfinished. Depending on what you all think of this, I might make a part 2, maybe not. Just let me know! Once again plEAsE REquESt! Anyway, see you next time!

Au Revoir!

*sorry I had to come up with a nickname. there were none for him that didnt mean respect

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