Saitama x Chubby! Reader

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Hey hey sweet things. So uh, I'll be honest, I dont have an excuse this time. Like my dads leukemia and all that is stable and all, tbh, im just a lazy piece of shit and I lost motivation.. I recently hit like 430 followers so I decided to try to start writing again. so uh, yeah. I'm sorry again. Anyway, I forget who requested this, but I hope they read this and enjoy. 


Normal POV 

You, Genos, and Saitama were at a local meet and greet. Saitama and Genos had become more and more popular as they saved more lives. So meetings like these became more and more regular. You stood to the side as you watched fans of all ages and genders come up and give the pair smiles and hugs. You smiled as you watched Saitama interact with so many little kids. He was great with kids. 

You had began to zone out as you grew more and more tired. You were a larger girl and standing for a long period of time tended to hurt your feet and wear you out. As you began looking around the venue you were in, a woman that seemed to be your age approached you. You smiled at her, and she smiled back. However, you could see the strain in her face to do so. Without saying a word, she handed you a folded up piece of paper and walked off. You glanced down at it in confusion, and just shook your head. You stuck it in your pocket for later. That was your first mistake. 

Time skip---

You arrived at home after the sun had set. Both Genos and Saitama looked absolutely exhausted, both skipping dinner and heading straight for bed. You weren't tired yet however, so you sat on the couch in the living room, scrolling through Netflix. You could feel the note in your pocket practically burning a hole through your jeans as you tried to forget about it. Finally, letting out a frustrated sigh, you  threw the remote down next to you and pulled the note out of your pocket, and began to unfold it. This would be your second mistake. 

The handwriting inside was neat and clear, intended to be read. The pen that had been used hadn't smeared anywhere and a single corner at thee top  had been slightly bent in the travel through your pocket. Your eyes scanned over the note, only to re-read it again and again. 


With all due respect, why is Saitama with you? What could he possibly see in a girl like you? you don't bring anything to the relationship and you tend to be in the way most of the time. But I suppose that's easy when you are that big. Just think, how many times has Saitama had to save you from a villain because you were too weak and out of shape to do it yourself? Saitama deserves someone who is more like him. More fit, smarter, stronger, faster, better. Someone who isn't you. 

Your eyes fogged up as you read the note again and again. It played back at you like a broken record. 

Someone who isn't you

someone who isn't you 

someone who isn't 

someone who 



You were brought out of your thoughts by a gentle hand shaking your shoulder. Your eyes darted up to meet the concerned eyes of Genos. You quickly hid the note under your leg and gave him a shaky smile. He cocked his head to the side as he tried to figure out what you were doing. "Uhh... Saitama said that the shower's open now if you want it. I'm gonna head to bed. He said he would wait up for you. Are you okay? Do you need me to get Saitama now?" He asked, concerned as he just had noticed the unshed tears in your eyes. 

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