Geno x Chubby Reader

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(( Attackonmarcobodt look at the bottom not for explanation as to why it's not yours yet I'm sorrYYY))
Yo yo yoooo whattup my dudes! Like promised in the last update I'm here with another update. This is a chubby one shot and so yeah. Um. I hope you enjoy!  I have 12 more after this! But feel free to keep them coming.
Normal POV

Genos hit the ground with a thud after landing a punch on the monsters head with Saitama. Saitama seemed to be getting bored with this fight, and so did Genos. They both were much stronger than this monster, so why were they procrastinating this fight so long? Who knew.

"Hey Genos, you wanna finish this fight up? I think your (y/n) is probably getting hungry and we still need to go grocery shopping." Saitama called out from across the street where he landed. Genos pondered the thought before he sighed. "Yeah you're right. Alright, let's finish this up. I've been thinking that she might want some steaks soon." He said as he launched himself back up, him and Saitama both landing finishing blows on the monster as it roared and collapsed.

Dusting themselves off, Genos and Saitama began their journey back to their shared apartment where Genos's precious (y/n) was.

Time skip because I'm a bit rusty at this——

Arriving back at their apartment, Genos opened the door gently, knowing that one of (y/n)'s pet peeves was people throwing open doors. As he and Saitama walked in, he spotted (y/n) in her sun room, reading the latest book from her favorite author. The way the sun lit up her (tone) skin was mesmerizing. Her (eye color) eyes glowed like small gems. She still was in her pajamas, but to Genos, she looked like a goddess.

As her fingers delicately turned the page, she looked up to meet the smile of her beloved. Her smile seemed to grow as she sat up and gently closed her book. She opened her arms up, expecting a hug from her favorite cyborg. What she got, was not only a hug, but a kiss and Genos lifting her up like she weighed nothing. Her laughter rang out like a beautiful melody through the warm summer day.

As she was set down, she began to excitedly tell him of the latest news about her book. "-and come to find out, the mother had the stone pen of Eden! So all the creatures and demons that had attacked the kids before, that's why they seemed so familiar! It was so cool! And then when they we-**" Okay, so maybe his baby likes to read some pretty dark stuff. That was still something that he loved about her. He loved everything about her. Especially her pudgy tummy. He made it necessity to pick her up at least 5/7 times a week and carry her around the house.

He also liked to make it know in public that she was taken, much to her displeasure. This included him kissing her in public, smacking her butt, nuzzling her neck, back hugging her, and many more different forms of PDA. Saitama, being that he went with them sometimes, usually ended up shouting at them and making gross noises back at them for doing such actions in front of him.

Genos gently nuzzled (y/n) as he guided her to their bedroom. "Babe, we're going grocery shopping. As much as I would love to see you walk around in your pajamas, I don't think that I can let anyone else see what's mine. So go ahead and get changed and then we'll be ready to leave." (Y/n) nodded and sighed at the thought of having to get out of her comfy clothes. However, she knew that Genos despised going shopping without her. So, begrudgedly, she began to pick out her outfit while Genos sat patiently on the bed. When she was ready in her cute high waisted jeans and crop top, Genos gave her another kiss as he went and grabbed Saitama so that they all could go shopping.

Given that the store was only 3 blocks away, the three of them decided to walk. This was a mistake. In a matter of minutes after leaving their apartment, Saitama and Genos were surrounded by fans. This included fan girls. As the fans pressed in closed to Saitama and Genos, (y/n) was pushed farther and farther away from them. As she went to yell for Genos, a slim hand with oversized nails came railing at her cheek. The hit left a resonating slap sound, along with a stinging sensation.

(Y/n) raised her hand quickly up to her check as she crouched down out of instinct. The bratty woman that had slapped her already chuckling as she noticed the smallest traces of blood begin to trickle down. She quickly stood back up and began to stalk towards the woman that had scratched her. Raising the hand that wasn't in her check back, she let loose and hit the woman back with as much strength as she could muster. The woman stumbled back and crashed into someone standing behind her. Genos.

His eyes seemed to be fire as he saw the state you were in. Red stained your flawless skin and he hadn't been able to stop it. He looked down at the woman who had done this to his precious (y/n) and as if sensing her life's end, she tried to run away. Genos was faster than her. Quickly, he grabbed her arm and yanked her back into her where he picked her up by her neck, lifting her well above the crowd.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you. One reason why I shouldn't crush your windpipe..." Genos spat, venom lacing every word. The woman grasped aimlessly at his hand that held her up, trying anything to get him to let her go. "I'm—- gah.. s-s-so-Orr—ya" she sputtered out as best as she could. Brows tightening, he began to close his fist. "Wrong answer-" "Okay! The reason is because that's illegal, and even if she's a bitch and even if she did that to your mother, it's still murder. Now drop the lady and give her over. I'll drop her off at the police Crusher. " Saitama said, putting one hand on Genos and the other on his extended arm, right by the woman's neck. Genos glared at the woman. "He's why you're alive." He said as she opened his fist, letting her drop to the ground. She began to gasp for breath as she rubbed her throat. Saitama went over to the woman and grabbed her by the arms. "Okay lady, you did this to yourself. " he said as he began to drag her down the street to the police station.

Genos quickly regained focus back to what was important; (Y/n). She was bleeding a bit more now, but now she had started crying. It broke all of his robot heart that he had to see her like that, and his human heart two times more. Without saying a word , he picked her up and carried her bridal style as he set track for the nearest doctor that could look and care for her cheek. As he was waiting in the room for the doctor to come back with suture kits, (y/n) looked at him.

"Genos? Thank you so much for helping me. If it was just me, I'm afraid that it might have turned into something worse. Thank you. You'll always be my hero. ". She told told him, smiling as best as she could with her eyes shining dimly with tears. Genos leaned forward and touched his forehead to hers. "No matter what (y/n), I'll always be there for you. I'll always be there to protect you. I'll always be your hero."

They never did make it to the store, but hospital food would be okay. Just for the night though.


Um yeah. So that's the end of it. Attackonmarcobodt I know I said yours would be done first but I wanted a test run first to see if I still had it. I want everyone's to be really good so please please please tell me i this needs anything! I know the ends a bit rushed, it is currently 1:36 am. Like I said, I hope you enjoy it, I'm sorry I'm a little rusty.


**this is part of a book by my favorite author Dan Poblocki. The specific book is The Stone Child, but my favorite by him is either Ghost of Greylock Hall, Book of Bad Things, the Haunting of Gabriel Ashe or The Nightmarys. I have all of his books and he is an amazing horror author. I read all of his stuff. I 10/10 do recommend his stuff if you're looking for a good spook book.

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