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Alright. Listen the fuck up. A have to get something off my mind that has been bothering me for a while.

Why the hell do people think its okay to tease and bully people with special needs. I am so fucking done with people not giving a shit about these kids. They are some of the best people in the world. And people think its funny to make fun of them? Hell no.

My little brother is autistic and has asburgers. People think that its fun to bully him because he doesnt understand it. One of my brothers friends has several issues and is lucky to be fucking alive. What do people do to him? Sexually assault him on a field trip to California.

Yes. You read that correctly. The boys he was staying with sexually assaulted this poor kid. And they have no fucking remorse about it. This boy is one of the sweetest kids in the world. He also has the biggest crush on me, which i think is pretty damn sweet. So guess what? I'm taking him to homecoming.

If you all do not respect special needs people, then unfollow me. I dont want to be associated with people that criticize and ridicule the people that are different and the people they don't understood. That's like me, denying all of you guys person requests because I dont like them, and then me bullying you about it.

I Want to bring awareness of special needs people out in the open. I want people to stop being so fucking hard headed that they dont give a shit about others. They may not think like you, but they will trust you more than anyone ever will in your entire. Do not ruin that for them.

My goal for you all is to find someone with special needs, and just, remind them how much you care about them. Remind them that they are important too.

Want to know something cool? The founder of Nintendo was autistic. The founder of Ubisoft? He had pseudo tumors along his spine and they thought he was gonna die before the age of 5. Colonel Sanders of KFC? He was OCD as shit. The brains behind these people, are some of the best in the world. And if these people were children now a days? They would be bullied and ridiculed to no end.

Don't be an asshole. be nice.


P.S.- I won't be deleting the book thanks to the sweet commenter of the Sousuke part 1 story. (Sorry I dont remember your username 😶)

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