Harry Potter x reader

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For @EpicGamz55 (I'm so sorry I took so long that i'm just getting to this like the lazy trash I am. If you want a bigger story I can write you a bigger one too. Please don't hate meeeee *Hides behind book*)


(F/N) (L/N) - (first name) (last name)

(Y/N) - (your name)

(A/N) - (Age)

(H/C) - (Hair color)

(H/L) - (Hair length)

(E/C) - (eye color)


Reader POV

'My name is (Y/N) and I am a witch. No one in my family is magic, so I'm special. I received my letter last week, so me and my family were able to find out what to do. I had to go alone to the shopping center, it was called Diagon Alley. I had some trouble finding some things, but luckily a woman with fire red hair was able to help me. I think her name was Mrs. Weasley? I'm not sure, but she seemed nice. Her son was quite funny too.  There was also another boy with her, he was seemed to be famous to everyone else in the room, except me. Oh well. After i bought my books and such, i met my family at the station, where we said our goodbyes. I hope I make friends at this new school, but who knows. Everything I knew before might be different here. '




You read from the uncovered diary pages. You had been looking through an old box under your bed when you found it. That day you had no idea you would have the friends you do now, or that they would just so happen to the the Golden Trio. However, you did know that they always got themselves into trouble, sometimes dragging you into it. You and your friends were in your fourth year at Hogwarts, with you and Hermione still being the only ones that every study or put effort into your work.

This year, of course, was the Triwizard Tournament, and everyone was ecstatic for the games. Today was the day that other schools were to show up and present themselves to the Hogwarts student body. Being the first one up, you pulled on your uniform and lugged your robe with you as you grabbed your favorite book and brought it down with you as you lit the fire and sat on the couch, diving into your new Sherlock Holmes.

"Well, looks like someone was up early."

Said a voice, filled with warmth and still some sleep. It was Harry. "Well you know what they say, the early bird catches the worm." You turn to him with a small smile on your face. Looking at him, you can tell that he was still half asleep. His ebony hair was messed up, in his stages of bed head. His glasses were on, but his eyes were squinted, fighting off the sleep that wanted to consume him. His clothes were messed up, with his shirt only partially tucked in and his tie loosely put on. You marked your page and closed your book, laughing gently at his disarrayed form. He looked back at you and smiled. "At least I tried." He giggled softly and made his way over to the couch where you had made your domain. Groaning as he pushed your legs aside, you allowed him to plop down right next to you, and yawn widely.

" I will give you that. You tried. 5 points for effort. But Harry, you know what day it is." He turned his head to you and cocked an eyebrow. "Honestly did you forget? today the other schools come for the Triwizard Tournament!" He looked at you then at the fire. Yawning, he stretched out and leaned against you. You blushed a bit,  but quickly fought it off as to not let Harry see. "Oh I remembered. I just don't give a damn to be quite honest with you. I would much rather sleep in than watch girls swoon over some random guy." You chuckled and shook your head. "I think that Ronald has been rubbing off on you, because that was the most Ron thing that i have ever heard." As if on que, a voice made it's way down the stairs from the boys dormitories. "HARRRRRYYY" It was Ron. Harry laughed and ran up the stairs. Then, he peeked his head down to say, "By the way, you get 10 points." He said with a cheeky grin as he headed up the stairs.

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