Claude x Reader

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(I’m sorry if this is really bad, I just really dislike Claude, so i’m struggling here.)

Your POV

You were walking the streets of london, marveling at all the wondrous shops and stands that lined the streets. They always caught your eye. Your name in (Y/N) and you have been recently fired from your maid job. They had decided that having a maid that isn’t willing to ‘put out’, isn’t worth keeping around. It kind of made you mad.

    You had been wandering for a couple days, looking for a job. It seemed that no matter where you went, you were always told no. So, today was the day you were going the last place in the area that you had not asked yet; The Trancy Manor. You walked up the drive, gazing at the large castle-like mansion. Not looking where you were going, you ran into a wall. Only this wall had shoes. Wait, that’s not a wall. You looked up at the man looking down at you, who’s piercing yellow eyes were staring at you. You tried to apologize, but nothing coherent would come out. “I-uh, gah… ih ha ge… ims..”

The man looked down at you, face remaining as straight as ever. “What are you doing here. What is your business.” He said, silken voiced. You just stared, words caught in your throat. “I said tell me why you are here.” His voice boomed. You shrunk back and looked at him, fear welling in your eyes. “I-im’ looking for a job, sir.” You said, barely above a whisper. He looked back at you, and sighed. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it. Allow me to escort you to his highnesses office, where you can discuss employment with him.” He extended his arm out you, to which you happily took. Standing up, you dusted off your skirt and looked over at the man who was going to be your escort. “Thank you. I appreciate it very much, ahh…” You said, trying to remember if he had said his name or not. “Claude. You may call me Claude.” He said, looking down at you, straight faced as ever. “Ah yes, Claude.”

You headed towards the doors, arms interlocked with Claude, as he insisted. Your cheeks had grown a blush that dusted across them, and that made it’s way up to  your ears. Little known to you, he was watching you out if the corner of his eyes, slightly smiling.

Normal POV

As the pair reached the doors, Claude knocked once, and the doors swung open, revealing three identical triplets. (Y/N) looked at them, as they looked at her (her body~). Claude broke the silence. “Thomson, Timber, I want you to go get dinner prepared, as well as set the table. Canterbury, follow me. Hannah, you set up another room in the servants quarters for (Y/N).” They all shook their heads, and said “yes, sir” as they all went off to do what was asked of them. Even Hannah, who was in the back of the room, nodded and headed off to go prepare another room.

With Canterbury following, (Y/N) and Claude made their way up to the office, where she would meet her new, possible employer. Claude knocked on the door, and told Canterbury to wait outside the doors for them. Once they heard the word “Enter” from within, they headed into the room, where (Y/N) laid eyes on the Earl Trancy, Alois Trancy.

Alois looked up from his documents that littered his desk, to meet the eyes of Claude and (Y/N). (Y/N) looked down at the ground, as Alois began to speak. “Who is this, Claude?” He asked, joy filling his voice. “This is (Y/N). She would like to know if she could work here as a maid, as she was recently unemployed.” Alois looked at (Y/N). “You, girl, look at me.” she did. “What did you do before you were unemployed?”

Your POV

“What did you do before you were unemployed?” He asked you. You looked at him, fear  that he might kick you out at your answer. “Well sir, I was a maid for Diederich, a german noble who spends most of his time here in England.” He looked at you, suspiciously. “If you were a maid, why were you fired?” “Well sir, I was fired because I would not ‘put out’ as he said. I simpy wouldn’t have sex with him.” You looked at you, baffled. “That’s it? Alright. I suppose you can work here. Now leave me alone, I have work to do.” He griped. ‘He sure is strange, isn’t he?’ you thought to yourself, as you began to walk out the door. “Claude, stay here. I want to play a game.” He sighed and turned to him. Bowing to him, he answered, “Yes, your highness.”

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