Grell x Male! Reader

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As requested by ShadowReaper101 , here is your story love! I'm so so so sorry it took so long >.< but, here you go. Please don't hate meeee.


Grell POV

Ah, there he was. (Y/N). He was new at the reaper headquarters, and he was HOT. He even rivalled Sebby-chan for number one, although I think (Y/N) is winning. He had perfect (h/c) hair, and his stunning reaper eyes were framed by (f/c) glasses. He makes this place seem less dull than usual. And the best part is, Will mad him my partner! I knew he cared for me, even just a little? Oh, I can't wait to spend the day with this man.

Your POV

You had recently been hired on at the reaper headquarters and you loved it. Your sythe was a (garden tool), perfectly fitting you. You had gotten your glasses the other day, and they were (f/c), highlighting your eyes.

Those were only the perks of the job, for the best part about your job was your partner. Grell Sutcliffe had been assigned to be your partner, and to say the least, you loved it. He was beautiful in every way. From his flowing red hair, to his blood red heels. You even loved the skulls on his glasses. You were infatuated with this man.

"(Y/N), quite day dreaming and get to work. Here's your book. Now go get Grell and get to work. I do not feel like working overtime." Ah, the ultimate cock block himself. William. He was your boss, but you despised him. He picked and in your opinion, treated Grell like dirt.

You gritted your teeth and snatched the book out of his hand. "Thank you, I can handle it myself." You glared at him, as he glared back, and you stormed off in the direction of Grell.

Turning the corner, you found yourself face to face with the cheshire grin of Grell. You blushed, and began to stutter. "Oh! Um.. I um, hi Grell, hehe, I didn't um... Hi?" He looked at your blushing form and grinned wider. "Hello (Y/N). You look ravishing as always. Shall we get to work?"

You knew Grell was an office flirt. But with looks like that, who wouldn't be? But still, with a comment like that, it gave you more confidence. You knew that there was no way that your partner would hold feelings for you, you were just too plain. Without even realizing it, you had gotten lost in the other reapers eyes. They were beautiful.

A hand waved in front of your face, it was Grell. You blinked out of your stupor, and blushed like crazy at the red haired reaper. "Oh! um, yeah. Let's go."you turned abruptly and looked the other way began looking at the floor, walking quickly down the hall. You could here Grell skipping down the hall behind you, in his own flamboyant world.        


"I think that was the last one on tonight (Y/N)!" called Grell from a roof top across from you. You two had collected 25 souls that night. Slow night. "Okay! I'll meet you over at the corner pub!" you called back to the red haired male. You hopped down to the ground and began walking to the pub. It was a short distance away, so you figured you could walk there.

Turning around one of the corners, you began walking down an alley. It was a short cut to the pub, so it made it easier. But you weren't alone. A slurred voice came from the dark. "Heyyy therree (Y/n) *hic* doon't youu look *hic* seexxyyy tonightt?" It was Ronald. (I'm sorry, I love him, I just needed an antagonist. Please no hate >.<) He appeared to be drunk off his ass. You began to walk backward, away from the drunk man. "Oh Ronald. I didn't see you there. I'll just be going-" You felt a hand roughly grab your wrist. "Oh, I don't think so." The arm roughly pulled you towards him.

You fought against the man, but he was stronger than you in his drunken stupor. Ronald roughly shoved you against the wall of the ally, and smashed his lips onto yours. They tasted strongly of booze. You pushed him off of you, but he quickly recovered and was on you again. His sweaty hands climbed up your shirt and began to pull your shirt up.

Tears slid down your cheeks, as you began screaming. You screamed for anyone. Ronald threw a large hand over you mouth, as to muffle your screams. You kicked and pushed against him, as he continued  his assault. He had pulled your shirt up, and pulled your trousers down to your knees. He was going to rape you. You cried harder, as he began pulling his own trousers down enough, to pull out his erect member. He turned you around and you prepared for the impaling that was coming your way, but a crash behind you echoed in the night.

The hands holding you let go, and you spun around. Your were met with the eyes of Grell. He was standing on top of Ronald, his foot holding his head down. "- AND YOU BLOODY RAT BETTER STAY AWAY FROM MY DEAR (Y/N)! HE IS MINE AND I WON'T LET ANYONE TOUCH HIM!" You blushed at him as tears continued sliding down your face. He lifted up his foot and Ronald took off into the night.

Grell turned to you and ran at you. He threw his arms around you as you two made contact. "Oh (Y/N).... I thought I lost you... I heard you screaming and I came as soon as I could... I'm so sorry (Y/N).." He began to cry as he held you in a warm embrace.

You seperated and looked down. You blushed and quickly pulled your pants up. Grell looked at your expression and giggled lightly. You looked into his eyes. "Grell, did you really mean what you said? About me being yours....?" He grasped your hands in his, and looked you in the eyes. "Yes I did. I truly think that I'm in love with you. Everything about you is mesmerizing, I just think everything about you is beautiful. I've always felt that there was something special about you. So (Y/N), would you please do me the honors of being my boyfriend?" You looked at your partner, and smiled. Rapidly nodding your head, you said yes.

Grell smiled, his shark like teeth glimmering in the low light. You leaned up to him and kissed his cheek. He looked at you and smirked. "My dear, you missed." You blushed as he pushed his lips into yours. They tasted like cherries. You melted into the kiss, as your hands ran through the other mans hair. You could live like this forever. Oh yes, Grell was quite indeed, fabulous.

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