chapter 17

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A loud beeping sound was heard by the stranger who panicked when he saw that the heart rate of the beeping machine went thin line, he hurriedly called the doctor and his staffs to report it luckily the doctors team were fast to respond at what is happening.


The doctor said.

Chanyeol's body arched up.

'Please stay alive...please.'

The man said as he prayed for Chanyeol's safety after a long wait the Machine line heart rate went work again that made the stranger felt relieved and give a big sigh thanking everyone who did their best to save the poor boy.

"Thank god you are safe now."

The stranger said. He was staring at pale face of the poor boy who was still unconscious it's been 1 week after that accident happened and it seems that no one was looking for him no sign of his family or friend that was visiting or asking for the boy. That made the stranger think that maybe their was someone who has a power to who wants to hide this from other people to know or maybe the suspect who did this was from a wealthy family.

"Mr. Kim may I talk to you please."

The doctor said to the stranger.

"Oh yes what is it?"

The stranger asked.

"Their are people who are looking for Mr. Park Chanyeol."

The Dr. Said.

"What are they look like are they a friend or family?."

The stranger said.

"Ahh..No that's why I want you to get him out of him here, because this men outside has no I.D's to prove that they are related to park Chanyeol."

The Dr. Explained.

The stranger nodded.

"Okay ,for now just say that there are no park chanyeol that was sent here."

The stranger said.

The Dr. Nodded and bid his Goodbye.

"I should now call for help."

The stranger said and dialed someone on the his phone.

"Hello Yul, yes this is me Taeyeon."

Taeyeon said.


"Yes we are right, Chanyeol have something with the case we are handling."

Taeyeon said.


"No he is not our suspect but he may be our witness together with Victoria Song."

Taeyeon said.


"Okay I'll wait for you here, fetch us together with our team."

Taeyeon said.

Then with that the call have just ended. Taeyeon looked at the poor boy who was still lying on the hospital bed he sigh as his team has still no clue who is the real murderer in Youngson high Taeyeon, Yuri and Jessica was sent by their agency as a secret detective and spy. They transferred their to investigate the mysterious killings and accidents that are happened inside that campus they are dressed as a casual students like others so that other may not be suspicious about them.


One month ago, Taeyeon and her team receive a letter from their agency that they are hired to do an investigation, they immediately accepted the offer to helped other.

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