chapter 14

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Breaking News:

Senior student Song Min-ho was reportedly missing Yesterday at their campus by his Friends, some witnesses said he was last seen at the library at the time maybe around 6:30 PM. And now he was found dead at the Janitor's stock room. Investigation was still on going many believe that the anonymous serial killer was now back in town that made students panic at their own safety.

Wendy and Seulgi are now at their classroom when some police officers entered their room that made all students felt scared and nervous.

"We are here to arrest Victoria Song, we need her to come with us in the police office to gather some information about this."

Police officer Choi Minho said.

That made the other student look at Victoria, Victoria was confused why on earth that she will be arrested for doing nothing?

"What did I do?"

Victoria asked and stood up abruptly.

"I believe this necklace is yours, we found that in the crime scene so we are here to bring you at the police office for you to clear your name if you are innocent."

Officer choi said.

But then Victoria struggled at the other  officers gripped.

"No I'm not going with you,I'm innocent I didn't do anything..."

Victoria said.

But the officers Locked her wrist at her back to prevent her from escaping them.

"Please stay still and keep quiet anything that you may say may use against you."

Officer choi said while dragging her out of the room, Victoria just let them and shut her mouth but then they she saw Joohyun smirked at her that made her explode.


Victoria said.

But then the police continue to dragged her some student looked at Victoria and starts to gossips something.

"Isn't that Victoria?"

The student 1 said.

"Yeah that's her maybe she's the one who killed mino."

The student 2 said.

"Fucked maybe she gone insane when Nickhun leaved her."

The student 3 said.

Joohyun smirked at how her all plans worked but then she needs to do something more, she needs to kill chanyeol first and Victoria but now she will just going to torture them little by little.

She saw Chanyeol walking at the corridor she managed to follow him at the Boy's locker room.

"What am I going to do?Victoria was now arrested...No I need to stop this shit I'm going to get that Diary no matter what, Wendy needs to know this her life would be in danger if I let her to with Joohyun."

Chanyeol mumbles while banging his head at his locker.

Little did he knows that Joohyun heard all what he said.

'So you know all about this huh?Now I really need to kill you. I won't  let you to ruin my relationship with Wendy now that I already have her. I won't let you get what is mine,Seungwan is MINE.'

Joohyun said at herself while gritting her teeth. She hurried go to where is Wendy.

Thursday night, Joohyun and Wendy planned a Victory party for all the hard works of Wendy's team who won 1st place against their Collins High on their championship game everyone from their school was invited.

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