chapter 3

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Wendy was trying so hard to find the girl named Bae Joohyun she didn't know why but she just wants to know her and meet her again, it's like there is a force that really attracts her to that girl.

She was strolling down at the empty dark hallway when she saw something at the floor her eyes went wide when she realized what is it, the sticky red  liquid was splattered there.

She followed the trace of the droplet of blood scattered on the floor which leads her to the girls locker room, she felt cold when she was about to open the door but suddenly someone grabbed her shoulder from the back of her shoulder that makes Wendy startled.

"Hey Wendy what are you doing here?"

Seulgi asked.

Wendy felt relieved that it was only her best friend but still she became pale because of the nervous that she felt.

"Oh seulgi I thought you will go home earlier?"

Wendy said.

"Hahaha. Sorry if I startled you I left my books at our classroom so I run back to get it ,but hey what about you what are you doing here?its late Wendy what if your stalker came to you and knocked you out."

Seulgi said.

Wendy was about to speak when they heard some whimpers and a loud thuds coming from the room.

They frowned and looked at each before deciding to go towards the loud sound when they are almost there, a cat suddenly came out which make the two girls startled and sighed heavily.

"Woah jesus it just a cat."

Seulgi said thankfully.


Wendy said agreeing at the girl besides her.

"Let's go home together now Wendy its getting late now."

Seulgi and Wendy decided to go home because it was now late Seungwan just nodded and follow the bear like girl. Leaving the girl's locker room Wendy already forget to checked it out little did they know that the blood stains on the floor was from the other victim.


A loud groan and whimper was heard at the girl's locker room. The poor new victim,the girl's hand and feet was tied up tightly while the culprit was standing there in front of her victim.

"I told you before but you never listen to me."

Joohyun said angrily at the girl.

The poor girl was crying messily at Joohyun her dried tears were stained at her face and she can't speak properly because of the tape on her mouth only small whimpers and groan was heard coming from her that makes Joohyun irritated.

"Shh,Quiet as you can see there is no one else in here they can't hear you okay their is only two of us so you should stop screaming."

Joohyun said.

The girl didn't listen and cried more for helped but that only makes Joohyun slapped the girls face harshly leaving a red mark of hand on her cheeks that makes the girl stop from crying immediately, Joohyun smiled at how the girl behave.

"Oh that's better here let me take the tape out of your mouth."

Irene made an eye contact to the scared girl, she really love how she scared her victims just by staring at their eyes she loves the power of being cruel to them and the feeling of torturing them It makes her feel so strong.

"Now tell me whats the reason why you keep on bothering my Wendy?"

Joohyun asked at the girl.

"I-it was my friends dare to kiss wendy-sshi at the cheeks I h-honestly don't know that she has already a girlfriend."

The girl said shakily due to her  nervous.

"But i'm still angry at you, even though it was just a dare I should punish you right?"

Joohyun said and smiled at the girl creepily. That makes the girl shakes in fear at what Joohyun's going to do.

"N-no no please I'm begging you don't kill me please."

The girl begged at her but she didn't care at all she get her baseball bat and  swing it hardly at the girl's stomach that makes her cough a blood, then next she hit the girl's head that makes the blood oozing at the girls face Joohyun smiled triumphantly at what she did.

"Hahahaha. I already told you Luna but you never listen Seungwan is mine so don't you dare touch her."

Joohyun said and spit at the lifeless dead body of the girl she wiped her face and hands that was stained by blood of the girl and clean herself with a clean towel she also use the towel to wipe the bat that she used before living.

After that before she leaves go outside of the room she wore her black hoody jacket and wear her mask again and make sure that no one see her.

Meanwhile Wendy and Seulgi just got home from the school Wendy slumped her tired body at her bed she was about to dozed off to sleep when she remembered the blood stain at the floor.

"Aish damn I forgot to check the girl's locker room before we leave."

Wendy said and groaned when she remembered it.

Then she received a call from seulgi she picked it up immediately when she saw the caller ID.


Wendy said.

"Dude did you hear the latest news?"

Seulgi said in the other line.

"What is it?"

Wendy asked confusedly.

"There's another dead body found in our school and you won't believe who's the person is it was Luna dude. They said that the night shift guard is doing there round check at school when they saw some blood stains at the girl's locker room then bam they found Luna's cold dead body there."

Seulgi said.

Wendy frozed at the information she got. She remained silent for a while thinking the blood stains she saw and the whimpers they heard it was all connected.

"Hey dude are you okay?"

Seulgi asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

Wendy said

"Are you sure."

Seulgi said.

"I'm okay seul I'm just tired gotta go bye."

Wendy said.

"Okay bye."

Seulgi said.

The phone call ended but Wendy was still thinking about the killings and the incident and why does this mysterious killer doing all of this? questions are now running through her mind everyday.

"From all people why me? What is so special about me?"

Wendy asked to herself.

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