chapter 13

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"I'm Victoria, and I can help you with that."

Victoria said while grinning at him.

The guy find it suspicious but then he just shrugged it off for the sake of getting Wendy's number.

"Really you would do that?"

Chanyeol said.

"Of course but you need to help me first."

Victoria said still smiling at him creepily.

"O-okay what it is just name the prize I will do anything."

Chanyeol said.

"I want you to get something."

Victoria said.

"Do you mean I need to steal something?"

Chanyeol asked.


Victoria said.

"N-no, I don't want to steal something. That's  completely insane."

Chanyeol said frowning at the thought of stealing something.

"Oh poor you, then you should say goodbye to your precious Wendy."

Victoria said.

And leave the guy standing there.

'Should I take her offer?'chanyeol thinks first.

"Wait, c-can you gave me some time to think?"

Chanyeol said at the girl.

That makes Victoria smirked and turn around to face the boy again.

"Sure just talk to me if you made up your mind."

Victoria said and leave.

2 day later Chanyeol called Victoria and planned to meet up at the cafe near their school so that no one will suspect them.

Chanyeol finally agreed at what Victoria's plan, they have agreed that Victoria will help chanyeol to win over Wendy's heart against Joohyun. And chanyeol will help her to get something at Joohyun to make the girl suffer.

"So here is the deal, This coming Friday Wendy and Joohyun will have this celebratory party at joohyun's house and everyone including you was invited there. Well except me."

Victoria said.

Chanyeol frowned he is not that kind of person who likes to go to parties like that.


Chanyeol said.

"I want you to get something from Joohyun's room, a book,or a diary something like that."

Victoria said.

"What a diary? Are you kidding me?"

Chanyeol said.

"It's not just an ordinary diary park chanyeol, that book will solve the case of my friend that was killed one month ago."

Victoria said angrily at the man, that made him shut his mouth and became speechless how come he didn't know this stuff when he entered this school.

"Okay I will find it, but what can I get in return?"

Chanyeol said.

Victoria sipped at her frappé and speak again.

"If you got the book by Thursday and if they will ever believe me that bae Joohyun was the killer who killed Luna and others I'm sure Wendy will be mad at her and the worst part or should I say the best part was Wendy will going to break-up with her it's win-win situation for us you got your dream girl and my friend Luna will have her own justice and I will also get my sweet revenge from that girl."

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