Chapter 14

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I drove back to Anna's house and helped Charlie into the house. After her mini breakdown, I decided against taking her to her mother's grave and instead took her to see Maleficent. She had fallen asleep half way through, so I made a quick exit and took her home.

"Weston," She whispered, nuzzling my neck. "I like you."

"And I love you, Charlie." I whispered back as I carried her into the house. Charlie was in a lucid state as I put her to bed and tucked her in. I left her door open so if she needed to she could call for help. Annalise was waiting for me in the living room with a blank face on. Something had happened. I walked into the living room and sat across from her, taking her slightly wrinkled hand in mine.

"Anna, what happened?" I asked, my emotions wall showed on my face. Anna swallowed tightly and looked me in the eyes.

"I was going through the things in her house with Ashton and your parents. Ash stumbled upon a box labeled Myette. That's her mother's maiden name. Charlie has a grandmother and grandfather living in London."

"That's wonderful!" I exclaimed. "Did you call them?"

"Yes, sweetie, I did." Annalise said solemnly. "Daniel, the thing is, if Charlie has living relatives, legally, she has to go to them. I may be here guardian, but living relatives have the automatic rights to adopt her. They are going to be here at the end of the week."

"No." I said quietly. I was going to get her back! I couldn't lose her! "Anna, can't you fight for her? Aren't you adopting her?"

"I am, but the adoption of an American child takes years longer than adopting a foreign child. And this could override the adoption process." Annalise said. "But while talking to them, I negotiated. I told them it's up to Charlie whether or not she wants to stay here or go with them. They still are her guardians, but she can stay with me and I can still try to adopt her."

"But what if she doesn't want to stay?" I asked. "I can't lose her again, Anna. It'll hurt too much."

"I know sweetie, but it's up to Charlie now." She said softly.

Her grandparents came two days later. Anna had told her about her grandparents when she woke up the morning after our date. She didn't know what to say at first, she still doesn't know what to say the day they were to arrive. She begged me over those two agonizing days to help her remember whatever she could make her subconscious remember. She would constantly tell me that she did not want to lose me, not until she put up a good fight.

"Daniel." She said, gripping my hand as we sat on the couch. Her arm was still in a sling and her leg was still in the contraption. A few of her ribs had healed and the rest were still in the process of healing. "I don't know what to do."

"Just choose, Beautiful." I said, turning my attention to her. "I want you to choose what feels right. I don't want you to choose based off of my feelings for you, or Anna and Ash and Mary. I want you to choose where you feel the safest." I said, kissing her forehead. None of us had told her that Frank Costello was still out there, but I don't think he would still be after her. He was only doing what her father told her to do. Martin Moore was caught a few days into Charlie's coma and was convicted of attempted murder. I don't think I've ever been happier. She'll no longer be hurt by that bastard.

"Daniel, that's not helping." She told me. "Part of me wants to stay here because you and Anna and Ash and Mary and the track boys, and the soccer boys and Westley and his boyfriend, make me feel safe. Part of me wants to go and live with them, though. They're my grandparents, Daniel and I've never met them before. Daniel, please, tells me what to do." She begged. I closed my eyes and drew Charlotte closer to me, and buried my nose into her hair.

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