•chapter 19•

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I APOLOGIZE FOR MY WEEK LING HAITUS—PLEASW FORGIVE ME D: btw bold words are just author Chan with her comments XD

Shout out goes tooooooo: Kita5118

[i read too many fanfics]

Staring down at the dishes in front of me, I'm too much in thought to clean. As of lately, I've become more conscious of Tom. Not that I wasn't before, but I notice little things. The way he walks, his gestures, his smile, all of it. Even when he's a complete idiot, I can't help but love him even more. I've always liked him. Even as kids, but this—this  is something different.

"Earth to (y/n). Helloooo?" I turn my gaze to the salmon haired demon. He is only wearing a towel around his waist. I look down quickly at his abs before returning to his eyes, hiding any fact I'm flustered.

"Hm? Something the matter?" I stutter slightly.

"Yea, uh..have you seen my clothes? Tom questions, a bit of anger corrodes his features.

"I-I don't know." I shrug as I talk a step back. I swear this boy might give me a heart attack. Why the hell isn't he worried about being nearly naked in front of me??

I don't move as the demon boy makes his way over to me, his hand slides across the counter

"What unfortunate events..hmm what to do, what to do." Tom glides over to me. "Seems the house is empty too. Just you and me." His hands find their way around my waist. At this angle, Tom is much taller than me. Looking up at his figure looming above me, I forget that only thing between us two is his towel. Leaning in towards him, I get on my tip-toes to get on his level. Unexpectedly, Tom flicks my forehead and chuckles.

"Silly girl, I cherish you too much." He pats my head, leaving me in a blushing disarray.

He cherishes me. I've read enough fanfic to understand that this might not be teasing.. maybe he actually..feels the same? No, I'm being ridiculous.

I shake my head to rid me of these thoughts as I squish the demons face with my hands. "You know you've gotten really tall."

"Nahhh, you've just gotten really short."

"Well then tall guy, get me the (snack) from the top shelf please." I say pointing towards my favorite s n a c c
(Tom is my favorite snacc)

I hear a chuckle throughout the room, darting towards the sound, I pull out my wand and use a spell to get rid of the invisibility quirk. I'm greeted by the familiar faces of Zen and Rosalina floating outside

"Smart gal you got here, love." Rosa giggles, her hand on her mouth in a teasing manner.

Tom's skin is redder than a tomato at this point. "wHEN DID YOU GET HERE? I thought you were suppose to come by in an hour?! You're in for the ass kicking of your life Zen."  Tom goes to post up to his brother, but  Zen is so tall so it's kind of funny. Almost like a pug trying to fight a German Shepard.

I hold back a laugh as I cover my mouth with my hand. Rosa also copies me as she gets what I'm thinking.

"Mind catching me up? Where were you planning to go?" I question them.

"You mean where are we planning to go." Tom gestures towards me.

Still confused, Rosalina drags me into my room where she conjures up this rose gold wardrobe which— I'll say— had some pretty cute outfits compared to her old-timey look.

Rosa assists in giving me some cute, yet casual, outfits. She provides me with high waisted black shorts with a white shirt that has short red sleeves.

"Can you explain where we're going?" I ask.

"You ever heard of Love Sentence?"

((Lowkey wanted to say "you know BTS?" Haha I have to hold back sometimes ik))

E X T R A 
[Your fellow weebs]

Meanwhile with Zen and Tom:

"So....do you always walk around half naked or—." Zen awkwardly stands next to Tom, who is still nearly naked.

"Not really, I'm just a pervert who rustles anyone's jimmies just by existing."

"You're kind of like Gray Fullbuster.."


"Hm,no, you have hair like Natsu..but you're a natural born male stripper so I'm not sure."

"Spout one more weeb thing and I'm going to Kamehame wave you."

"Irony at its finest."

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q: Are you reading any other SVTFOE fanfics?
Q2: should I do these little shorts from time to time? ^^;

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