Chapter 8

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Shoutout to: @purplealienchild
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I forgot to mention that I borrowed Glossaryck before I left. He usually attends these types of meetings with me as my back up I guess you might say. Though this small blue wizard is extremely powerful, he's also a huge pain in my a**.

The meeting was to be held at the Crystal Dimension this time, mostly since Glossaryck and Rhombulus got into another 'quarrel' and the previous place is under slight reconstruction. Whoever's idea is was to have a meeting here just wants to watch the world burn.

It takes an hour before we reach the Crystal Dimension, with a good 20 minutes to spare. I'm not surprised since I commonly show up a little earlier so I can look around the place, though there's not much to see in this dimension. Despite how it looks, it's not cold at all here. The palace is a sparkling blue, crystals lining the walls, floors, and even the furniture. The room that is usually empty, now has a decent sized table with chairs placed accordingly around it.

"Young mistress," Glossaryck begins to say, "Why is it that you had to attend and not Star?"

The question came out of no where, but it wouldn't be the first time this was mentioned. I shrug at his question and look up at the palace ceiling. "Even though I know the answer, doesn't mean it's easy to explain."

He doesn't push the matter any further as we take our seats— I mean he floats, so he's not actually get the idea. As I gaze off into no where, someones hand plops on my shoulder.

"Been a while kid!"

I shake slightly, getting out of my own mind. "Rhombulus, great to see you again." I stand to shake his hand.

"As respectful as always." Rhomb puts his arm around my neck like a light choke hold. "Let loose sometimes Princess (y/n), you're so uptight."

His words catch me off guard, maybe because Tom said the exact same thing. Whatever it was, I feel more relieved than before. I give him a small smile as he takes his seat next to me, avoiding Glossaryck as best as he can. Suddenly, my phone vibrates. A message from Tom flashes on my screen.

[From: Boo]

I hope everything is going okay. I miss youuuu (and your not so homemade cooking)

I chuckle at the message as I send him a reply

[To: Boo]

I'm doing okay actually :P and you only miss my cooking

We talk back and forth and I can't help but to smile like an idiot. I put my phone away once everyone gets to the palace.

I flatten my somewhat business like attire, which consists of a pastel blue top that is tucked into a black pencil skirt and a pair of flats Star made that change colors depending on my outfit. I have to say, it's weird being in such clothing after wearing my casual wear for so long.

Everyone gathers around the table as Lekmet, the goat man, begins the meeting. Maybe it's just me, but I don't speak goat so Rhombulus translates for us.

"A new threat has appeared, an enemy that we all know of. Since our last mission, we found out that Ludo isn't our only issue..."  Rhomb falters. "Toffee..."

The room is suddenly silent, our mouths almost falling to the floor. Of course Glossaryck isn't the least bit phased by this, but the whole room is in utter shock.

"I thought he was dead.." Hekapoo states.

Everyone argues amongst themselves as I keep quiet. I just wonder what we're going to do to stop him, a major threat like that isn't going to go down easily. . .

"Princess." Omni says, causing everyone to looks at me. "As the representative of Mewni, what do you think we should do?"

Standing up, I straighten my posture, quickly attempting to think of a solution. Taking a deep breath, I look up

"As of now, going into combat with him would be suicide. We also have no clue where Ludo is since the last time you all have seen him. For now, we must keep an eye out and strengthen ourselves. We are not ready, and I do not recommend going into battle just yet."

Everyone nods in agreement, nobody wants to oppose the idea since it is true we aren't strong enough to take on Toffee, even if he's in Ludo's body.

After a few more hours of talking about plans, politics, and things I could care less about, The meeting is adjourned.

I get up and stretch a bit when Hekapoo walks over to me.

"Hey hun, how's it been?" The red haired lady asks. "Heard ya moved to earth recently?"

"Oh yes, it's really nice there and I'm getting use to life on Earth." I tell her.

"Must be nice to be close to the Prince of the underworld.. Tom was it?" She teases.

My face is 50 shades of red as the mention of Tom. "I-it's not like that!"

"Wow, Princess (nickname), you can actually show emotion?" She seems genuinely surprised, since she's always known me to be all business.

"Aww, she's really adorable when she's like this." Rhomb coos.

"S-stop being mean!" I pout, loosing my usual composure.

After the meeting, H-poo and Rhomb invite me out to a diner that's open late as they bully me for the rest of the night. Even though they tease me too much, it feels nice to just kick back once in a while.

^^ JSE. Ref for you lovely readers xD

Slightly Younger •Reader x Tom (SvtFoE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt